BitGoals ICO

Juli 13, 2018

logo bitgoals 2

The latest trend that gained momentum in the market is the growing popularity of virtual sports betting. Some bets prefer virtual sports bets because of the increasing appeal of online video games and sports. Virtual bets can not because they pick up results from computer algorithms. Also, the virtual sports betting is equipped with highly sophisticated and innovative graphics that attract players. High-quality video from matches and events offers widespread opportunities for passengers in the online betting platform market. One of the key drivers for this market is the digital revolution in the sports industry. Due to the rapid penetration of digital platforms and growing Internet penetration, consumers have easy access to online sports betting platforms. Consumers can easily engage in sports betting and connect with sportsbooks because of the growing digital revolution.

The digital platform allows passengers to place bets from every remote part of the world. Internet gambling has faced high popularity and continues to be the fastest sector in the e-commerce industry. Gamblers broadly prefer internet gambling to their activities because of the convenience offered and the security provided. The widespread use of digital processes and the increasing demand for passengers are pushing the market of online betting platforms.

Ethereum blockchain has made smart contracts a reality. Every day there are thousands of calls to be contracted by insurance calculations and token publishing to locked time transfers, simple essence and more. Smart contracts have also been applied to Ethereum-based gambling sites, allowing anyone in the world to make bets without trust in the home and in many cases, against other players. This form of gambling is removed from the traditional experience; one where payment can take days, victories can be withheld, and unscrupulous actors can steal player funds.

BitGoals brings a platform that equally considers all the players in the industry who can coexist harmoniously and share revenue. The BitGoals Platform provides safe, reliable, easy-to-use and transparent sports books, allowing users to participate in sports-related activities managed by cryptographically verifiable code.

BitGoals is based on advanced Blockchain technology, which is promoted as one of the most safety methods to ever exist. Even countries such as Estonia encrypt their whole databases and citizen’s information using that technology. Your information will be extremely secured.

The key advantages of the platform include:

  1. Simple registration to take part in the draw games (It all starts with a single log-in)
  2. Unlimited funds usage
  3. Almost instant payouts
  4. Full independence
  5. Elimination of fraud risk
  6. Speedy jackpot generation process

How does it work ?

BitGoals serves as the platform, while STP is the payment method. (i.e of BitGoals was a country. then STP would be its legal tender). Each transaction in this platform is basically used via STP tokens.

What is STP ?

STP is the digital currency (Or crypto currency) used in BitGoals, you have to get STP to do so.

Why STP ?

As for the token sale stage, STP is based on Bitcoin. When the value of BTC goes up, so will your STP value and if you’re reading this, you probably know how much and how often the BTC value will go up (Spoiler: it’s going to be big). When you’re buying STP, you’re getting a Bitcoin based guarantee.

What is the use for STP ?

STP aims to become a sports site and the official currency game creates a united sports community. Betting? Fantasy Football? Merchandise? Ticket? All of that and more will be under a single protocol – STP. so join the train when you can, and do it now – the sale of the STP token has started, and you can now get your STP token with a limited time discount – The price goes up every few days, so be sure to get TODAY!

What’s the price ?

STP is based on a unique value system: The system is divided into phases: The first one is the token sale which started on June 14th. The first phase started with each STP token worth the equivalent of a 0.5 USD in BTC (0.00008 BTC), When the World Cup preliminaries end, BitGoals will enter its second phase, resulting in a 20% increase in price. At the quarter finals, another 20% rise will occur, with the same happening at the semifinals – Until finally reaching the finals with each STP token’s worth that resides on a 100% increase when compared to the first phase.

How do I buy STP ?

buy stp token bitgoals

BitGoals Token Use

bitgoals token use

Competitive Analysis

The Blосkсhаin dоmаin hаѕ bесоmе inсrеаѕinglу rеlеvаnt since the lаunсh of Bitсоin аnd other cryptocurrencies. Thе growing demand for thе adoption of the Technology of Blockchain соntinuеѕ аnd will continue аѕ nеw ideas еntеr the mаrkеt dаilу. Thе Blосkсhаin hаѕ thе роtеntiаl to disrupt and reshape many induѕtriеѕ.

These competitive advantages include:

  1. We аrе a Licensed Mаnufасturеr and Service Prоvidеr in the Gaming Induѕtrу
  2. Wе have thе knowledge аnd hands-on еxреriеnсе in the ѕроrt Gаming аnd Bеtting domain
  3. We have thе needed IT infrаѕtruсturе, nесеѕѕаrу еxреrtiѕе, mаnаgеmеnt and thе developmental team rеuirеd tо еxесutе a рrоjесt of this nаturе efficiently
  4. Wе hаvе certified sports gаming rеwаrdѕ and bоnuѕ system uѕеd in a рrоduсtiоn еnvirоnmеnt


The Roadmap

roadmap bitgoals


BitGoals Team

team bitgoals 1

team bitgoals 2

Our Partners

partners bitgoals


The News


To know the source of information about BitGoals, you can visit our site below : 


Posting by Dico88

My ETH : 0xBdc50Fc5e4d30887DFa1F0B495aAf4011a6Eb1a2





Buddy – это децентрализованная платформа разработки автоматизации с новейшей технологией blockchain в этом столетии

Juni 22, 2018

logo buddy 2

Краткая история друзей

Команда была основана в 2007 году при загрузке Springlops, популярной платформы для размещения Subversion с инструментами развертывания для веб-разработчиков. Заработанные ноу-хау, опыт и новые технологические тенденции в конечном итоге привели нас к созданию Buddy.

  • Основанная в 2015 году с целью вертикального применения автоматизации в процессе разработки приложений, чтобы разработчики могли сосредоточиться на творческих задачах, а не тратить время на повторяющиеся задачи.
  • Выпущенный в 2016 году огромный положительный отклик сообщества.
  • Быстро стал партнером Google, Github, Microsoft и других ключевых игроков в его стремлении помочь разработчикам поставлять быстрее и качественные продукты.
  • С 2017 года команда, взволнованная тягой, доставляет обновления и улучшения на ускоренном еженедельном выпуске.


Проблемы и проблемы

Барьеры для автоматизации развития

Развитие автоматизации приложений предоставляет огромные преимущества организациям, но их сложно принять, поскольку:

  • Менталитет и культура
  • Устаревшая инфраструктура
  • Сложность приложения
  • Интеграция инструментов
  • Пренебрежение автоматизацией тестирования
  • Нет плана DevOps
  • Отсутствие обучения
  • Слишком много инструментов


Трудное масштабирование

Крупные команды, которые используют автоматизацию в качестве ключевого дифференциатора и ценностного драйвера, пытаются расширить свою инфраструктуру DevOps.

Устаревшие инструменты

Решения, которые приходят и уходят, не могут продолжать внедрять инновации и должны быть заменены.

Нет решений для кросс-функциональных команд

Повреждение организационной деятельности и культуры с конфликтами отношений и противоречивыми целями.

Наши преимущества

Будучи зарекомендовавшим себя SaaS-бизнесом на быстрорастущем рынке, Buddy имеет уникальные возможности :

  • Волнистый продукт, который успешно решает реальные проблемы рынка 110 млрд. Долларов, включая такие уважаемые бренды, как журнал «Инк», Docplanner и CGI.
  • Партнерства с Google, GitHub, Docker, Microsoft и Amazon, участвуя в Google Cloud Launcher, GitHub Marketplace, Docker Store, Azure и (вскоре) Amazon Web Services Marketplace соответственно.
  • Самостоятельная корпоративная версия платформы, готовая к использованию в качестве основы для децентрализованной автоматизации разработки приложений.
  • Тесно связанная команда из 16 человек, работающая вместе в течение многих лет, большинство из них – партнеры и акционеры, которые доказали, что предоставляют высококачественные решения для решения сложных задач.

Наше решение

Уже доставлено

  • Автоматизация трубопроводов
    Автоматизируйте разработку и развертывание приложений с помощью 70 + готовых к использованию шагов.
  • Песочницы β
    Полноэкранные превью и тестовые среды, которые работают как автоматические предварительные просмотры приложений для каждой ветви кода.
  • Интеграции
    Богатый паллет специализированных интеграций обеспечивает всестороннюю поддержку многих стеков.

Цели продажи токена

  • Автоматизация GRID
    Децентрализованная инфраструктура для запуска бесконечного числа задач автоматизации для разработки приложений.
  • DevOps Marketplace
    Магазин приложений для разработчиков разработчиками с решениями, которые автоматизируют разработку приложений.
  • BlockchainOps
    Боты автоматизации разработки, созданные для более умных, лучших и быстрых приложений Blockchain.


Дорожная карта

  • Q3 2016 – Запуск Buddy Beta.
  • Q4 2016 – Конец бета-версии, первые платежи клиентам.
  • Q4 2016 – Запуск Buddy Enterprise.
  • Q1 2017 – Дальнейшая разработка Buddy, еженедельных выпусков
    новые возможности.
  • Q4 2017 – Доказательство концепции BlockchainOps с использованием Buddy
    автоматические трубопроводы.
  • Q3 2018 – Tokensale.
  • Q4 2018 – BlockchainOps.
  • Q1 2019 – приватная автоматизация GRID.
  • Q1 2019 – The DevOps Marketplace.
  • Q2 2019 – Распределенная блокировка как услуга.
  • Q2 2019 – Экспертные службы на рынке DevOps.
  • Q3 2019 – Вселенная DAppOS & Sandbox Template.
  • Q4 2019 – Общая GRID-система автоматизации.



Simon Szczepankowski ceo buddy

Саймон Щепанковский
Генеральный директор, менеджер по продуктам и соучредитель

SaaS-предприниматель с более чем 15-летним опытом в области ИТ. Ранее загруженный, хостинг для Subversion для веб-разработчиков, который привлек> 5000 клиентов из 120 стран. Управляемые ИТ-проекты для голландских ВВС, KLM, Mercedes Benz NL, Ford NL и Merck PL. Один из немногих партнеров Google AdSense Premium в Польше. Автор самого молодого польского дебюта IT-издания (Windows XP Optimization, 2003).

Raphael Sztwiorok cto buddy

Рафаэль Штвирок
Технический директор, руководитель проекта и соучредитель

Управлял крупными проектами ГИС и больших данных для Отдела снабжения Польской армии и норвежского министерства обороны через Techmex SA. Участвовал в разработке и разработке крупных картографических и геологических услуг, используемых НАТО для COWI (Датская консалтинговая группа). Выступал в качестве старшего ИТ-менеджера в многонациональной программе совместного производства. Старший эксперт Scrum Master, Docker & microservices. Специалист по гибридным облакам и консультант DevOps для клиентов Buddy’s Enterprise.

Thomas Korwin-Gajkowski blockchain solution architect buddy

Томас Корвин-Гайковски
Архитектор решений Blockchain

Ведущий команды Blockchain в KODAKOne. Distributed Ledger / Blockchain / Cryptocurrency Software Advisor, Организатор и докладчик на семинарах, связанных с программированием Blockchain / Smart Contract и Cryptomarkets для польских, немецких и швейцарских финансовых учреждений.

Martin Kudla Software Architect & Co-Founder buddy

Мартин Кудла
Архитектор программного обеспечения и соучредитель

Более 20 лет опыта работы в сфере ИТ. Архитектор платформы полета и бронирования отелей для и системы сравнения цен для, 46-го крупнейшего немецкого сайта. Эксперт по управлению релизами и миграции данных.

Michael Hankus Senior Software Engineer & Co-Founder buddy

Майкл Ханкус
Старший инженер-программист и соучредитель

Более 15 лет опыта работы в сфере информационных технологий. Со-создатель проекта для польского спутникового центра региональных операций в то время, когда был единственным центром спутниковой эксплуатации в ЦВЕ. Создатель инструментов ArcGis & GeoMedia для польского правительства. Эксперт Node.js, Docker & Virtualization.

Thomas Prus Senior Software Engineer buddy

Томас Прус
Старший инженер-программист

Более 20 лет опыта работы в сфере ИТ. Ведущий разработчик одного из крупнейших немецких автомобильных сайтов и крупнейшего онлайн-сообщества в Германии (netmums de). Эксперт Java & Spring.

Alexander Kus Chief Growth Officer buddy

Александр Кус
Главный сотрудник по вопросам роста

Привлечение 2000+ клиентов с помощью исходящих каналов для, платформы Subversion для веб-разработчиков и BamBam! программное обеспечение для управления проектами для экспертов. Менеджером сообщества и смотрителем 10-процентного роста Buddy CI / CD.

Paul Olek Head of UX or UI & Co-Founder buddy

Пол Олек
Руководитель UX / UI и соучредитель

15 + опыт проектирования. Управляемый дизайн UX для европейских франшиз проектов YellowPages и Rochesponsored. Многолетний опыт работы в качестве наемного орудия американских стартапов, таких как Swingvy и Выступающий на мероприятиях UX / UI. Посмотрите его удивительное портфолио на Dribbble.

Octavia Nowakowska Head of Customer Support buddy

Октавия Новаковска
Руководитель службы поддержки клиентов

Управляет повседневными операциями поддержки клиентов в часовых поясах Польши и США для клиентов Buddy из 70 стран.

Paul Kapala Senior Full Stack Web Developer buddy

Пол Капала
Старший веб-разработчик с полным стеком

Приятель Бадди Node.js на дежурстве. Имеет дело для управления облачным управлением. JavaScript силен с этим. Любит делать вещи на ходу.

Darek Sztwiorok Java Developer buddy

Darek Sztwiorok
Разработчик Java

Ученик Мартина и Тома – его мастера Java с нетерпением ждут замены их, когда наступит подходящее время («может быть только один»). Создал модуль развертывания для выпуска веб-проектов из репозиториев Subversion на веб-серверы для, используемых тысячами пользователей по всему миру.

Lucas Czulak Data Analyst buddy

Лукас Чулак
Аналитик данных

Читает между зелеными линиями цифрового дождя данных. Ищет новые возможности в Интернете и выпускает огни, прежде чем они растут в масштабе. Спокойный ум с бесконечным видением.

Chris Stryczek Head of Test Engineering buddy

Крис Стричек
Начальник испытательной техники

Управляет флотом Бадди в тестовых и промежуточных средах. Отвечает за запуск 10k автоматических тестов, оспаривающих новые дополнения к Buddy, сохраняя при этом скорость и высокую доступность сервиса.

Michael Bigos Test Engineer and Technical Support Specialist buddy

Майкл Бигос
Инженер-технолог и специалист по технической поддержке

Непрерывно изумились случаи использования, о которых сообщили клиенты Buddy. Воспроизводит десятки запросов для ответа на вопросы и решения вопросов на повседневной основе.


Для получения более подробной информации вы можете посетить наш веб-сайт :


Автор Dico88

CoVEX is building a future nexus Blockchain

Mei 4, 2018



What is CoVex Coin ?

CoVEX is a one stop trading platform where traders trade that offers the following services cryptocurrency exchange, social trading, margin trading & lending, p2p loan, credit cards and payment gateway.

CoVEX implementing the next-generation ERC223 Ethereum Blockchain-based platform where traders can trade and exchange cryptocurrencies, copy trade skills and compete with each other’s trades within their investment groups. In other words, we’re taking social/copy trading, margin trading, and payment gateways to a transparent, decentralised and trustless Blockchain.

Ultimately, our platform will make it accessible to everyone and improve the overall user experience. Our platform will transform the foundation of crypto markets such as startups, incumbents, traders, consumers, and merchants into a viable ecosystem that boosts mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.


To revolutionize the conventional trading by creating a one stop, Blockchain platfrom for exchange cryptocurrencies, copy trade skills, borrow loans and compete with each other’s trading skills. Covex believes that the steep learning curve in trade should not hinder users from attaining their potential.


To connect traders together by creating a one-stop evolving platform where payment providers, developers, merchants, tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs interact. We aim to become the industry standard and thought leader when it comes to trading in cryptocurrencies.


CoVEX‘s solution lies in its powerful R&D team, which ensures a world-class stability and quality service. In the meantime, CoVEX’s capable operation team shall create a bright and prosperous future through long-term and large-scale online/offline promotions & operations.

Our value proposition

Our principal goal is to become a one-stop shop for trading in tokenized funds. Here’s is our value proposition:

  1. Cross-border crypto Currencies-exchange (CoVEX Exchange): We will create opportunities for traders and investors to buy, sell and exchange their favourite cryptocurrencies at current and determined prices with low fees charge.
  2. Development of CoVEXpayment gateway: Our payment gateway will allow our users to effortlessly trade between cryptos and fiat currencies such as the USD, GBP, and the EUR. In future, the wallet service will be complemented by prepaid cards or credit card which will let users quickly access their funds.
  3. Social/Copy trading platform: Our platform will allow users to set their funds and tokens to copy-trade form top traders and top traders can share his trading experience with the new users. Which helps to new investor to learn more about market. The platform will be completely decentralised in future and managed by smart contracts, transparency and security will be enhanced, thereby giving users complete control of their trading funds and investments.
  4. Cross-border margin lending system: Our platform will allow traders to borrow token and lending for margin trading.
  5. P2P loan service: CoVEX will be implementing a platform that allows lenders to issue loans to borrowers based on a select credit decision package. It will be specified by ML algorithms which scores the recommended fraud, identity, and other credit rating agencies.
  6. ICO Underwritings: CoVEX will provide complete package for new ICO starter. Helping them with smart contract code reviews, and legal compliance.

Most cryptocurrency exchanges were developed by enthusiasts who do not have the requisite technological maturity to maintain them. As a result, current crypto exchanges face :

Downtime Loss

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Frequent downtimes have led to significant financial losses for crypto users who are unable to place and modify their trades, especially during highly volatile periods.


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Most crypto-exchanges are mired in security breaches and have led to the massive theft of funds.

Poor User Interface

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New users are discouraged from using cryptocurrencies when they sign up for crypto exchanges because of the poor user interface.

We provide services aimed at tackling inherent problems in the cryptocurrency exchange space, including:

  • Cross-Border Crypto currencies-Exchange Platform
    We will create opportunities for traders and investors to buy, sell and exchange their favourite cryptocurrencies at current and determined prices. No more merchant fees and credit card fees. Pay only the real cost and get the most out of your Cryptocurrency with the lowest exchange rates. Considering you’ve got to pay a network fee every time you want to transfer cryptocurrency, it’s totally understandable that you would want to avoid excessive exchange fees.
  • Social Trading Platform
    CoVEX offers you a plethora of carefully vetted and approved professional trade managers that you can follow and rely on when making up your portfolio as an investor. We vet new and old traders periodically and new traders who have a proven track of success can join our professional trade managers team.
  • Our platform will allow users to set their funds and tokens to copy-trade form top traders and top traders can share their trading experience with the new users which helps new investor to learn more about market. The platform is transparency and security will be enhanced, thereby giving users complete control of their trading funds and investments.
  • Our platform provides an easy-to-use interface that would keep you up with the best traders that have a proven record of profitable trades and apply their knowledge for your benefit.
  • Cross-Border Margin Trading
    For traders with a limited amount of crypto resources, i.e. Bitcoin and altcoins, there is the option of margin trading in order to add leverage to the investment. This, in fact, increases the amount invested without having to actually hold the assets. Our platform will allow traders to borrow or lend tokens for margin trading.
  • CoVEX Payment Gateway
    Our payment gateway will allow our users to effortlessly trade between cryptos and fiat currencies in future such as the USD, GBP, and the EUR. In future, the wallet service will be complemented by prepaid cards or credit card which will let users quickly access their funds.
  • P2P Loan Service
    CoVEX will be implementing a platform that allows lenders to issue loans to borrowers based on a selecting credit decision package. It will be specified by ML algorithms which scores the recommended fraud, identity and other credit rating agencies. Before the mass adoption of cryptocurrency, there very few safe options for lending. CoVEX aims to provide a swift and cost-effective solution to this dilemma with its line of services. CoVEX offers lending and credit option to its users. You can earn interest by lending and borrow with relative ease.
  • ICO Underwritings
    CoVEX has an underlying standard to underwrite high-quality, promising ICOs that have passed stringent due diligence, smart contract code review, and legal compliance by our expert ICO review department. CoVEX will provide complete package for new ICO starter helping them with smart contract code reviews, and legal compliance.

CoVEX Platform

System Security

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CoVEX is tailored for everyday use and provides a robust and secure environment for your Cryptocurrency. Direct transactions, instant exchange. Accessible 24/7 worldwide on your laptop, desktop or mobile devices alike. Bank-grade security and next generation account protection. Encrypted SSL connection over HTTPS, 2-factor authentication and trusted IPs.

Discount in Trading

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Our discount in trading feature ensures that CoVEX holder with more than 3,000 CoVEX Coins will be entitled to 50% discount in buying and selling fees.

Invitation Bonus and Referral Program

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Join CoVEX referral program to earn up to 10% in commissions just by introducing new users to our platform. All it takes is a link and a post. Simply sign up to receive your referral link and post it on your site, social networks, or any other place on the web.

Rewards Program and Loyalty

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If you keep making transactions while holding the CoVEX token, you will receive upto 50% bonus reward (referral and bonus). Rewards Program will also allow you to earn extra CoVEX token. We understand the true value of building and developing an initiative and have made reward program and loyalty a core part of the CoVEX dream.

Professional Support to Platform Users

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CoVEX’s support teams is a 24/7 response unit dedicated to ensuring the quality of service is top-notch and our users are Satisfied. Any technical issue faced by a user will be resolved immediately. You can contact our customer service department. They work round the clock to serve you better.

Mobile and Desktop Application

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We offer both Mobile and Desktop App solutions that will be synchronized in real-time. We also offer several advanced features with full interface customization and various themes available.

Token Sale

CoVEX tokens will be available for interested participants during the ICO that is due to run from 12th May 2018. During the ICO, the total volume of 192,500,000 CoVEX coins will be released to interested coin holders.

CoVEX is now open for private sale until May 8th, 2018. Contribute a minimum 30 ETH- 100 ETH to claim your bonus.

token sale detail covex

Bonus for Referrals

The bonus for referrals will be split into 3 three categories as follows :

  • 1st degree: Private Sale & Pre-ICO holder’s qualify for 50% of the referral;
  • 2nd degree: Exclusively for Phase- 2 holders who participates in the Phase 2 ICO. You will be entitled to 30% of the referrals; and
  • 3rd degree: Exclusively for Phase- 3 holders who participates in the Phase 3 ICO. You will be entitled to 20% of the referrals.

Received Discount in Trading is CoVEX holders with more than 3,000 CoVEX Coins will be entitled to a 50% discount in buying and selling fees on the CoVEX Exchange platform.

Compatible Wallets

wallet covex

What are the issues with the current exchange houses ?

There are more than 1,400 alt-coins on the market with over 100 exchange houses, yet it is hard to find a single exchange house which does not suffer from poor technical architecture, an insecure platform, poor customer services or high transaction fees for users. Thus, we can layout the current exchange house issues below:

  • Poor Technical architecture
  • Insecure Platforms
  • Poor Liquidity
  • Poor Customer Service
  • Poor Internationalization & Support Languages


Cryptos provide many benefits for traders over classical assets in the sense that they are transparent, decentralized, and borderless can be transacted 24/7. Where as this unlock limitless potentials to pratically any person in the Universe, it also creates many risks due to lack of regulation, control, and liquidity resulting in poor mass adoption rates.

We are confident that the problem of poor user adoption and experience can be addressed mindfully via a one stop solution approach. CoVEX is the next generation Blockchain that will democratize and take Exchange, Social trading, Margin trading/Lending, P2P loans, prepaid card services and payment gateway to a transparent and trustless Blockchain.


roadmap covex

The Team

J. Mohan
Founder & CEO

J. Mohan is expertise in Forex, Cyptocurrency Trading and business development risk management, Finance consultant in manufacturing, service & gaming industry. In 2001, J Mohan started MiDas Technology to fill what he saw as a void in the school and hospital management system in Nepal. Today MiDas Technology has grown from a small start-ups to 400 employees based in Kathmandu.

He holds professional accounting certificate, BSc (Hons) from University of Oxford Brookes and MSc Risk Management from Univeristy of Wales, United Kingdom.

J Mohan is an active investor and advisors in many SME in the United Kingdom. Over the years, J Mohan has diversified his involvement from software development to the range of other sectors, including beverage, consumable goods to beauty and fashion products in the UK SME.


Labu K. Ghimire
Co-Founder & CMO

Labu has been actively involved in Blockchain sector since 2015, working as a Binary option advisor for couple of firms in the UK. Founder of a Stock Broker company –DDK Pvt. Ltd. In Nepal, has more than six years of experience in stock exchange.

Labu is one of founders of a classified Nepali He has several years of work experience as a credit manager in one of the renowned commercial banks- NMB Bank, Nepal. He holds a Masters’ Degree in Finance and Investment from Tribhuwan University accomplished in 2006.


Peter NamisikoWanjala
Head of Product Development

Peter is an accomplished Scholar and Researcher in the Department of Information Technology, Mount Kenya University. Since 2011, he has been teaching various units such as Security and Cryptography, Network Programming, Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence among others. He is also an authority in Blockchain and Cryptosystems having authored many white papers, technical reports, and books on the subject.

In May 2014, he was appointed to the position of Associate Research Fellow at Mount Kenya University as a result of his outstanding research competencies. His current research interests are Blockchain/Cryptosystems, Machine Learning and Big Data. Besides authoring several journal articles in peer-reviewed international journals—with over 50 citations—he is also a reviewer of the African Journal of Information Systems (AJIS) and Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (JCSIT).

Peter graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons). Degree in Computer Science from the Egerton University, Kenya, in 2007. He also holds an M.Sc. Degree in Telecommunications from the California Miramar University, San Diego.


Junaid Nawaz
CTO & Lead Blockchain Developer

Junaid demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Junaid is highly skilled in SQL, ASP.NET MVC, Databases, Software Project Management, crypto/blockchain development, investor, trading analyst. Junaid is responsible for building the CoVEX platform, payment gateway and all blockchain related features.

Reza Bakhshandeh - CoVEX Blockchain AI, Big Data Expert

Reza Bakhshandeh
CoVEX Blockchain AI/Big Data Expert

Reza Bakhshandeh is Crypto Design Architect/Blockchain, developer and AI/Big Data Expert. Currently he is working in Boostinsinder Inc as a senior software Developer. He is a Co-Founder of DPTiva Co and worked as a project manager and Developer. He has developed several smart contracts over the years for number of company. He is an export in developing algorithm and AI. He holds Bachelors’ degree in Software Engineering and AI Masters’ Degrees from Shiraz University. He is an inventor of patent US9489401B1 with 14 years of work experience.


Jyoti Adhikari
Full Stack Developer

He is highly motivated software professional who likes challenges, has made a personal commitment to growth through lifelong learning and continuously applies his learning to achieve better results. He has utilized his in-depth knowledge of various processes, programming languages, tools and platforms to deliver business-focussed solutions for companies.

He key knowledge of software development based system with in demand on C#, ASP.NET , MVC , Azure , Java , JSP , Sencha , JQuery , AngularJS , AngularJS 2 , ReactJS , KnockoutJS , Node JS, ,IOS development using Swift ,NoSQL , SQL ,MongoDB , Redis , Unit Test , MS Test , Mocha and designing REST-full service APIs.


Zohaib Qadir
Lead Blockchain Developer


Naveed Shahid
Blockchain & Business Analyst


Gull Chaudhary
Project Manager – Java, ASP .NET, PHP Developer


Denis Rogovski
Legal Counsel

Denis is a Legal Adviser for many Blockchain projects, came from bank sector to more innovative area for applying his banking experience in the Blockchain startup field. His experience is some mix of traditional and innovative financial and legal expertise. As a banking lawyer, he was strictly working with Fintech, e-money, payment systems, accounts and KYC/AML segments where was finding the most efficient legal solutions to develop innovative banking products.


Arshelene R. Lingao
Bounty Manger

Arshelene, dedicated team member to CoVEX team, previous to CoVEX team, she worked for a Computer Factory in the Philippines as a Data encoder. She have been doing telegram moderation and work for a support team in some projects. She holds B.S Computer Science from Golden West College, Philippines.


Jhem Trinidad
Social Media Moderator

Jhem is hard-working and knows multi-tasking. She is a team player who can be relied upon to help your company achieve its goals. Previous to CoVEX she worked in many other cryptocurrency team full support of Media moderation. She holds Diploma in Computer Science from Imus Computer College, Philippines.


Nicholas Sousa
Social Media Moderator

Nick is currently studying his Bachelor’s Degree in Law and involves in cryptocurrency trading from last years. He is keen interest in social media and technology great fits for CoVEX’s social Media moderating team.


Kim Hyo Sun
Korean Social Media Moderator


Neha Rana
Marketing Team


Akriti Thakur
Marketing Team


To find out more details about CoVEX, you can visit our below :

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Posted by Dico88

My ETH : 0xBdc50Fc5e4d30887DFa1F0B495aAf4011a6Eb1a2

KONIOS is an easy solution for people who want to invest in crypto currency in the world.

Mei 2, 2018

Hi Everyone!
Right now I’m going to talk about a very interesting project. The project applies blockchain technology in a decentralized industry. Let’s talk about KONIOS.

Hasil gambar untuk konios

What is Konios?

Konios was created by a duo composed by Patrik Krasnic (CEO) and Mikel Krasniqi (CTO). This duo combines e-commerce capabilities with Krasnic and Krasniqi development capabilities. With a team of about 10 other professionals and four counselors.

As stated earlier, Konios goal is to create an easy solution for people who want to invest in crypto currency. This platform will offer an easy way to buy and sell crypto and cash whenever you want. The company believes that restrictions and regulations are bad for the blockchain market because they will keep the industry from growing, so the solution is deregulation.

The company also offers a place to post services on the platform and get paid with digital currency or fiat currency, which will make it more as an exchange. You can also offer products if you want. You just have to take their picture and then you will be able to sell it whenever you want.

Konios will be the Ethereum-based platform. This means that it will be supported by the Ethereum blockchain and use smart contracts for transactions.

The Konios platform offers the safest exchange platform for cash & cryptocurrency worldwide. Our solution to local and digital exchanges of all FIAT and CRYPTO currencies with everyone is unique. The principle of a global uniform exchange is secured by Konios Blockchain. Worldwide, $ 7.7 trillion in cash is in circulation. With Konios platform we will fill the world of crypto! The Konios Platform lays the way for newcomers to enter the world of crypto without the need to register or knowledge of the Trading Platform. Easy to use and everyone can enter the game quickly & safely! The same way it is easy for crypto holders to melt their cryptocurrency.


To provide the world’s easiest access to the crypto community. Currently there is a possibility to get cryptocurrency in exchange for Fiat money (traditional currency such as Euro, US Dollar or Yen) via bank transfer or credit card through various online platforms.  However, many people fail to gain a foothold in the crypto community. Disclosure of the necessary personal data, as well as the grueling handling of platforms with time-consuming registration and operator platform uncertainty, brings the layman to great and unpopular challenges. In addition to these burdensome conditions, there are often high hidden costs and necessary cooperation between the bank and the state concerned. Introduction is often described as simpler than it actually is in real implementation. The Konios project put an end to all these problems.

Since November 2017, we have developed and programed platforms for all crypto fans worldwide to enable them to enter the crypto world with cash. Easy access to Konios platform only requires smartphone and Internet connection. This transaction is based on the principle of exchange developed in Switzerland, without the use of banks or other intermediaries. The exchange occurs face-to-face (F2F) with other users of the platform. Process
the transaction is precisely structured and subject to the highest security rules. It was built by five security keys and the participants made the exchange with just four clicks on their smartphone.

To keep transactions safe and low cost, the blockchain itself, which validates and lists all transactions and activities locally within the platform, is designed. It serves as a basis for the use of all cryptocurrency without paying the cost of each chain. Smart Contracts monitors and checks transactions and all processes within the platform. Platform active users will benefit from our rewards system. It also enhances platform security and supports the acceptance of exchange procedures worldwide. After each transaction, evaluation is given by exchange partners. The evaluation provides insight into the professional behavior of exchange partners. The prize and punishment parameters stored in Smart-Contract sort out the wrong behavior and reward users for their positive contributions.

Konios Platform

  • F2F : Secure and anonymous face-to-face transactions of cash to cryptocurrency. (cash/crypto)
  • Exchange : Digital change of any cryptocurrency pairs. (Crypto/Crypto)
  • Marketplace : Easily buy and sell commercial goods and services with cash and crypto currencies. (Products, Services / Cash, Crypto)

Konios Trading

A trading platform characterized by a simple procedure and an integrated analysis tool that displays the desired parameters in the charts. It is designed to show laymen the necessary predictions and visualize trends.

Coin news and other relevant information from the Internet can be provided, which can be customized as desired.

Konios Data

  • Statistics : Anonymous data from the crypto domain is provided for empirical analyses, which are available on the Konios Blockchain.
  • Behavior : Anonymized behavior data from F2F, Exchange, Marketplace and Trading are provided.
  • Geo : Anonymous location information is provided to identify geographical concentrations and create new marketplaces. All data of the Konios platform and Konios Trading are provided to the users as API or Excel download free of charge.

Konios Blockchain

  • Transactions : The integration of Konios Blockchain is intended to validate the transactions within the platform.
  • Smart-Contracts : Transaction processing, whether F2F, Exchange, Marketplace or Trading, is performed anonymously via in-house Smart Contracts and implemented with unchangeable, decentralized conditions.

Konios Wallet

Wallet The wallet is used both on the platform and externally for connection or mobile use.

Konios Economy

Most of the global population lacks a platform where you can participate in the world of crypto without a bank. This hurdle excludes a huge mass of people who actually wants join. The crypto community is known for its openness to newcomers. It supports you at the start and with countless videos and documents, it helps you to master the entry and dive in successfully.

The first phase of the Konios project is dedicated to bringing as many people as possible into the crypto boat. The added value for the crypto community from many new users means stability and confidence in the technology. This natural supply into the still young system enables healthy growth and strengthens the foundation of the crypto movement.

Newspapers, TV and radio will produce fewer negative headlines, as the interest of their readers, viewers or listeners will no longer be negative. By taking the first step with the F2F transactions, opinions are no longer “produced”, but they evolve through the acquisition of knowledge and active exchange with local people. The influence of external forces such as the media, for example, is deprived of the breeding ground for devaluations and replaced by knowledge.

Our transformation to decentralization not only enables direct communication between people, but also the technological connection of machines and means of payment. The numerous and still rapidly growing number of cryptocurrencies are strongly influenced positively in this adjustment. Access to the areas in which the underlying technology specializes can develop and establish itself independently of the Top 5. The Konios platform lays the foundation stone.

The following is a market capitalization comparison of the crypto and FIAT currencies :

fiat currencies konios

Transaction flow F2F

Step 1
A Konios platform user wants to exchange his cash for a currency of his choice. First, the user defines the FIAT exchange amount and selects the desired cryptocurrency. The filter function simplifies the search for the desired cryptocurrency.

mobil aplikasi fiat konios 1

A list of sellers, sorted by distance is displayed according to the parameters. The exact position and identity of the sellers are never visible, only the distance and the respective ratings of the seller. Now the buyer is free to choose a person from the list.

The user also has the option of displaying a map with the sellers instead of the list, whereby only the region where the seller is active is marked. A request will now be sent to the selected seller, which contains the parameters set by the buyer (currency, amount, date, time and place).

mobil aplikasi fiat konios 2

Step 2

The seller confirms the purchase request by clicking on his smartphone, taking all parameters into account. The seller’s confirmation activates the Smart Contract. All previously defined parameters are now part of the Smart Contract. The agreed cryptocurrency amount is frozen by the decentralized smart contract until the two parties have met and completed the F2F transaction. The Smart-Contract is only fulfilled after the transaction has been successfully completed and the payment to the buyer is automatically released.

Step 3

From this step onwards, buyer and seller are sitting face to face.

  • User Identification
    Mutual confirmation of presence by scanning a QR code.
  • Money Identification
    The buyer presents the cash and counts it in front of the seller.
  • Transfer
    Cash is handed over to the seller and confirmed by app on both sides.
  • Verification by the seller
    Seller counts and checks the cash (incl. help tools for identifying counterfeit money) with subsequent confirmation on both sides.
    From here on, the transaction is completed positively and the exchange partners can go their separate ways.
  • Payment
    The Smart-Contract automatically triggers the transfer of the cryptocurrency to the
  • Rating
    As soon as the cryptocurrency arrives on the buyer’s wallet, an evaluation request will be sent to both exchange partners, with the persons being evaluated for each completed transaction. This increases confidence in good rated exchange partners for future transactions with inexperienced users.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

  • Name : Konios Token
  • Symbol : KON
  • Price : $ 0.01
  • Max : 5 billion

Token Sale

  • 1st Lot : 2’000’000’000 KON
  • 2nd Lot : 600’000’000 KON
  • 3rd Lot : 300’000’000 KON

Accepted Currencies

  • Crypto : BTC, ETH
  • Fiat : USD, EUR, CHF, RMB, KRW
  • Max : –

BONUS Number of Token

  • 1st Lot : 35% 700’000’000 KON
  • 2nd Lot : 20% 120’000’000 KON
  • 3rd Lot : 10% 30’000’000 KON

Token Details

  • Start : May, 1 2018
  • Duration : 60 Days
  • Join at Website
  • Total Token in the ICO : 3’750’000’000 KON
  • Premature End : Yes, upon reaching USD 29 Mio. (Hardcap)
  • Activation Date of the Token : Independence Day of Switzerland

Distribution of Token

token distribusi konios

Taken together, it can be clearly shown that the KON token distribution plan, with a community share of 88% (public sale 75%, presale 2%, airdrop 4%, reward system 7%), focuses on a decentralized distribution of the KON token.

Fund Allocations

alokasi dana konios

The focus is on a development-oriented distribution of the available funds and a large-scale marketing campaign. This enables a rapid launch of the Konios platform.



  • January : Founders formulate the idea of the Konios platform
  • March: The solution for the exchange principle Face-2-Face is developed
  • July : New team members join the project
  • September : Start Whitepaper
  • October : Start Website Development
  • November : Strong Support by the Advisors
  • December : Start Platform Development


  • January : Completion of whitepaper
  • March : Presale
  • April : Start Airdrop
  • July : Start ICO
  • October : Token Distribution
  • December : Konios Plattform APP Test Release


  • March : Launch Beta Version Konios Platform, Start Reward system
  • May : Announcement Konios PlatformJuly : Completion of Beta Version Konios Trading
  • September : Announcement Konios TradingDecember : Announcement Konios Data


  • January : KON share of the team is released


The Team


For more information, please visit our below :

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Posted by Dico88
ETH : 0xBdc50Fc5e4d30887DFa1F0B495aAf4011a6Eb1a2

Nauticus as Blockchain’s first decentralized E-Commerce platform for your future

April 27, 2018

Hasil gambar untuk banner nauticus

What is Nauticus ?

NTS is a utility token and not a digital currency, security, commodity or other type of financial instrument and is not registered under any security law within the Commonwealth of Australia or any other jurisdiction. NTS can not be used for purposes other than those provided in whitepapers, including but not limited to, investments, speculation or other financial purposes. Nauticus shall not be liable for any losses incurred by the user’s financial trading.


To create a global, eCommerce, and security solution that can be used, efficiently and sustainably, based on innovative blockchain technology platform.


Nauticus to maintain the highest ethics and international standards of data protection from user resources.

The Problem

Bitcoin and crypto exchanges are difficult for everyday people to understand and users often need to sign up to half a dozen exchanges to buy all of the different altcoins they wish. Cryptocurrency is hard to spend in the real world and many exchanges don’t even offer a single fiat currency.

The Solution

The Nauticus Exchange will be the only exchange users ever need, a one stop shop offering 300 cryptocurrencies and 16 fiat. Users from around the world will be able to buy whatever crypto they wish using their own nation’s money. Nauticus Exchange will also allow users and merchants to send and receive payments like PayPal but with much lower fees and live market rates.

The Opportunity

The total market cap of cryptocurrencies increased from $26 billion a year ago to more than $450 billion today. With 100,000 new users signing up to exchanges each day, and exchanges such as Binance earning $1.5 billion a year in fees, there is an unprecedented opportunity to capitalise on this explosive growth.

All Exchange Coins Increased in Value

Exchange Nauticus

Nauticus Exchange today announced it will support the Chinese Yuan (RMB/CNY) at launch.

Due to open in the coming months, the Yuan will join six other fiat currencies on the exchange: USD, EUR, JPY, HKD, AUD and ZAR.

The decision to support the Chinese Yuan was prompted by our user survey, in which more than 7000 respondents requested the currency.

The news will be welcomed in countries and regions where the Yuan circulates including Hong Kong, Macau, Pakistan, Mongolia, northern Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

The move to accept RMB/CNY will also position Nauticus to be able to accommodate Chinese customers when the country’s ban on cryptocurrency exchanges is finally lifted.

“We expect that at some point in the future, the ban will be lifted for properly regulated exchanges,” said COO Jonathan Chang.

“Nauticus is registered with the Australian Government regulator AUSTRAC and complies with all of the relevant anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing rules.”

Security and Nautices Wallet

Our wallet technology allows consumers, businesses, and governments easy currency exchange payments, and settlements. The platform incorporates state-of-theart security measures including two factor authentication and biometric authentication using smartphone fingerprint sensors, voice and facial recognition. We also offer compartmentalized wallets (cold and hot wallet) protected by multiple layers of encryption. The company is implementing protocols for Nauticus staff to ensure segregated human responsibility, approval, and audits. We will further develop our security suite of options to include more biometric (using Voiceit), multi-signature access for couples, partners or teams (using Bitgo), and active backup.

mobile application nauticus

Revenue Assumption

Although Nauticus aims to compete with Binance and Huobi, we have modeled conservative revenue projections that assume Nauticus will only add new users at the same rate as KuCoin and, furthermore, that this rate of growth will decline by 10 percent each quarter. We assume daily trade volumes of $180 per user.

Note that it is impossible to accurately estimate what the size of the crypto market cap will be in five years, so our projections assume everything else will remain the same. The crypto market, however, is likely to be exponentially larger by 2023, along with the corresponding profits.

revenue assumption nauticus

Crypto Exchange Revenue

Using these assumptions, we project annual revenue from cryptocurrency alone in the first 12 months of $48.03 million, growing to $135.5 million in the second year. By 2023, even with new sign ups dwindling to just 67,000 a quarter, we estimate annual revenue will top a quarter of a billion dollars.

The operating costs in the first 12 months have been budgeted at $16.81 million, with an additional $2.4 million directed towards a sustained worldwide marketing campaign. We estimate a net profit of $19 million.

Profits from the exchange will be reinvested in the business to develop our subsequent blockchain mining, eCommerce and banking solutions. Operating costs in the second year will be $47.41 million growing to almost $90 million in 2022. Net profit will reach $106 million.

nauticus exchange yearly projection

crypto exchange market share today nauticus

Payment Processing Revenue

The payment processing element of the business is a foundational stone of the exchange that will be offered to users and merchants from the end of early 2019. It will also be incorporated into the Nauticus Marketplace eCommerce platform in the same way PayPal was with eBay and Alipay was with Alibaba. Our illustrative revenue projections are based on the Nauticus Exchange growth rate and PayPal’s average quarterly transaction volume per user of $444.37. Starting with 100,000 active users, and a 1 percent fee, we estimate revenue of $12.99 million in the first year, and net profit after operating, marketing and taxes of $4.34 million. This is expected to grow to $69.01 million in revenue ($27.87 million net profit) by 2023.

Token Sale Details

  • Start date : 18/03/2018 00:00 GMT
  • Sale term in days : 62 days
  • End of ICO: 18/05/2018 00:00 GMT
  • Nauticus Coin price : 0.00001 BTC each
  • Total token supply for : 2,500,000,000 NTS
  • ICO early completion : When sold out
  • Smart Contract : audited by ambisafe
  • Adjustable emission : Total NTS supply will be burned based on public tokens ratio, ensuring fair value for contributors
  • Tokens supplied post ICO : NIL
  • Soft cap : 8,000,000.00 USD
  • ICO Target : 68,000,000.00 USD
  • Hard cap : 88,000,000.00 USD
  • If ICO target not obtained : Project will continue as planned, with scale and functionality adjusted


  • Mid 2018
    Crypto and fiat currency exchange

High-speed secure currency exchange, enabling ICO backers to immediately trade Nauticus Coins with 100 crypto and seven fiat currencies at launch (more to be added). In development and scheduled to open in mid-2018.

  • 2019
    Green blockchain mining center

Establish an environmentally friendly mining center that provides cheaper and faster transactions for Nauticus users, generates revenue to further expand our operations, and provides a social benefit for developing economies.

  • 2020
    eCommerce platform

Marketplace with easy-to-use mobile interface enabling instant payments in any currency, crypto or fiat – underpinned by the Nauticus Coin. Ultra-low listing and payment fees, high security and detailed rating and accountability system.

  • 2021
    Merchant payments platform

Comprehensive business solution with instant payments settlement, contactless payment methods via NFC, QR, ApplePay, AndroidPay and low fees down to 0.1 percent. Analytic support for enterprises and governments. Peer-to-peer funds transfer.

  • 2022
    Global KYC verification

Become a global partner in a new system of Know Your Customer identification, in which users are verified just once. Users control the sharing of sensitive data through biometric authorization, enabling the provision of only relevant information to businesses, governments or organizations on request.

  • 2023
    ICO gateway

Establish resources for new ICOs including IT, financial, legal, marketing and HR assistance. Launch ICO register and quality seal of approval. This will support both the blockchain community and help to protect investors. Add new ICO coins to Nauticus Exchange.

Nauticus Team

bryan ng chief executive officer co-founder nauticus

jonathan chang chief operating officer, co-founder nauticus

hong huynh chief technology officer, quality officer nauticus

barry cheng chief security officer, product specialist exchange nauticus

dr. brendan sai jiao, phd head of hardware, product specialist mining and digital wallet nauticus

nicholas king chief business development officer nauticus

dr.yinjun tu, phd head of biometric electronics, product specialist digital wallet

nadeem shaikh head of application and system architecture nauticus

alex redwood head of emerging technology and blockchain nauticus

josh yu head of law and regulations nauticus

andy wang deputy of emerging technology and blockchain nauticus

sam liao marketing manager nauticus

chris le business analyst or sales manager nauticus

andrew fenton editor, head of media and marketing nauticus


Sources of information you can visit as follows : 

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Author by Dico88

QURREX is the First Cryptocurrency Exchanger High Performance of the International Trade Platform

April 26, 2018

Hello everyone!

You want to invest in an Initial coin offering (ICO) program then I have an excellent ICO info to follow is QURREX – The First High Performance Cryptocurrency Exchanger from the International Trade Platform. For more details on this project let us discuss it together as follows.

Hasil gambar untuk banner qurrex

Before joining ICO program we must know first what is QURREX project. Qurrex establishes an industry standard in crypto-economy for universal cryptocurrency exchange – which can ultimately be attained only by existing platforms after years of independent effort. This platform will be the first currency exchange cryptocurrency based on the high performance architecture of the leading international trading platform. Instead of responding to market demand “yesterday”, it is designed for the future – for an impending growth boom in cryptocurrency trading.

In addition, this project will be an important factor in the development of crypto economy because it not only meets the demands and solves the current user problems of the existing exchange platform. It also creates favorable conditions for the new wave of participants. currently not represented in the crypto world. As a demo model, we have set up a test web version of the trading terminal that will serve as the interface for our exchange system.

The test version can reflect current quotes for key digital currency pairs, provide trade and analytical capabilities, and provide news feeds from multiple sources. Currently, the end of the client service – platform functionality for social and investment trades – is 60% operational. At the back of the exchange system, the concept of CEX and DEX delivery has been developed, and work has begun on a separate part of the system, for a readiness level of about 20%. In early February 2018, an order-matching module will be launched in test mode and presented for external load testing.

Initially, the Qurrex platform was designed exclusively as a centralized cryptocurrency exchange system. The reason for this is related to the team background: having worked for over 10 years on the creation of various exchange systems and brokers and products for traditional markets, we have inadvertently become adherents of this approach.

However, research into distributed networks as part of the current project delivery leads us to new approaches and tools to solve many of the problems we have faced over the past few years. Here we are referring, first and foremost, the need to increase the liquidity of separate instruments, as well as to increase client trust in unregulated infrastructure providers.

The result of our investigation is the understanding that, to create an effective exchange system and meet the demands of various circles of users, what is needed is a harmonious harmonization of centralized and decentralized elements.

The main thing that we understand is the fact that, in infrastructure prepared to handle assets, the potential of the community behind the public blockchain network must be taken into account, for it is precisely this community that is the basis of the future crypto-economy.

To provide a convenient tool for clients to execute operations and maximize liquidity, we formulate our approach in the following ways:

Centralized exchange (CEX) will, in the long run, remain the most effective solution in creating maximum liquidity possibility in most types of trading instruments;

At present, only in a centralized infrastructure that makes some of the most effective pre-deposit funds possible (the function of ensuring transaction fulfillment is always done by the central link of the infrastructure) and this technology, in our view, will eventually be introduced to the cryptocurrency market;

  • Decentralized exchange (DEX) with high capacity remains, unfortunately, an objective that can not be achieved in the medium term, while clients need high quality services now.
  • With this, we believe that finally, the obstacles to creating high-capacity DEX will be overcome.


  • DEX is an indispensable tool for creating liquidity in low liquidity instruments such as tokens issued as part of ICO or any number of altcoins;
  • DEX is the natural protection of technical problems that must occur from time to time at the central node of a centralized system;
  • DEX is the most understood and most transparent mechanism for reducing risk around the function of the central connection of the infrastructure, even at the expense of other product quality (processing time of operation, for example).
  • This approach lies at the heart of our system and inspires us to simultaneously create successful, advanced, and effective central projects, and to move forward, heed the call to build and utilize a decentralized system.



Attempts by developers to solve the problem of speed, liquidity, collateral and algorithms for matching trade operations have led to the emergence of a decentralized trading platform dependent on centralized services, which solves the problem of keeping order books, keeping reserves for collateral, matching order entry and choosing technology for collective settlement . Such centralization raises the question of solving the global problem of vulnerable intermediary presence. From our perspective, most of the technical solutions in these projects are basically marketing innovations that aim to secure better product sales.

Main feature

High End Performance, Coral Theft Module is visible and reliable

  • Throughput : >= 70,000 trx / second.
  • Latency : <= 650μs and 99%
  • Capacity : >= millions of connections
  • No data missing

Hybrid Infrastructure

Integration of CEX and DEX with Single Order Book

  • CEX with high-end performance for algo traders and HFT
  • DEX with high liquidity from the Single Booking Book

Next generation security level

  • Traditional Exchange System Security Infrastructure
  • Safe «cold storage»
  • «Hot» wallet insurance program
  • Supervision by a recognized IT Security Company

Wide Function

  • The Algo trading function is embedded in the GUI
  • Automatic copy trading signals
  • Various analytical tools & charts
  • Social Trade Segment
  • Information Services (Market Resources and Real Time Analysis)
  • Non-Trade Segments (Corporate Services, Market Technology, Trade Management Services)


We plan to provide the Qurrex with high liquidity thanks to :

  • Cooperation with large liquidity providers
  • The liquidity fund of Qurrex is sufficient
  • Best practice in launching new instruments


We will be the first in the cryptomarket to act as a traditional public company.

  • Maximum formalization of all processes (rule book, etc.)
  • Regular disclosure of financial statements and reports
  • Annual audit by Big 4

Hybrid Exchange Purchase Function

  • Establishment of aggregate order books based on citations collected from all system nodes (both centralized and decentralized nodes);
  • Aggregated book distribution distribution to the blockchain node;
  • Choice of blockchain nodes with the best instrument / quotation price to place orders sent by the client (if the order can not be marketed, it is included in the order book of the original system node);
  • Sending order to selected system node (for marketable order); entry of information on order into blockchain (for order queue);
  • Confirm acceptance of implementation.


  • Public pre-sale period: 27 February – 27 March
  • Fixed selling price: 800 QRX = 1 ETH or equivalent in BTC / LTC
  • Volume min: 15 ETH or equivalent in BTC / LTC
  • Maximum volume: 17 m QRX
  • Bonus policy for public pre-sale:

For contributions from 15 to 30 ETH, we will credit 5% additional tokens;
For contributions from 30 to 150 ETH, we will credit 15% additional tokens;
For contributions from 150 to 750 ETH, we will credit 25% additional tokens;
For contributions from 750 and over ETH, we will credit 40% additional tokens.
For each interval, the upper limit is not included.

Token Sale

  • Token Symbol : QRX
  • Standard token : ERC20
  • Token type : Utilities
  • Total token supply : 70m
  • Total tokens on sale : 55m
  • Total token for pre-sale : 17m
  • Public pre-sale period : 27 February – 27 March
  • Sales period : April 02 – April 16th
  • State joined – Cayman Islands

Token Sales Structure



  • 2001 – 2014: Legacy Products
  • November 2017: Prototype Qurrex
  • February – April 2018: Sales Token
  • June 2019: The functional Qurrex trade
  • September 2019: Social trading services
  • December 2019: Hybrid platform


Sources of information needed on this project :

Hasil gambar untuk Website pngGambar terkaitGambar terkaitHasil gambar untuk twitter pngHasil gambar untuk telegram pngHasil gambar untuk bitcoin png


My profile : Dico88

GIFTCOIN provides a world change for all humanity that needs each other

April 17, 2018

Image result for giftcoin png

Giftcoin Buy crypto money for good intentions and goals, but everyone knows there’s a mistake Bitcoin is the first money created. We can separate gifts from others because this is our only purpose and good intentions. I hope they will succeed and achieve their goals. This project can create social awareness if working in the long term. Because we can already hand over the money. With Giftcoin, we will be able to know and make sure all the ease goes well.

In the process that they do, there is a very nice movement in the frame logically. When we donate, we can remain anonymous and the people we donate do not know who we are. If we make donations in different forms, such as the way of cash, we go to whom? Does it reach its goal? Unanswered questions like this are now completely impossible and we can give in a comfortable way.

With Giftcoin you can donate donations regularly up to a certain amount per month. You can donate for different purposes every month, for example children with leukemia, homeless children, people in need of help, illness, or so on. You are on Giftcoin will tell you where you are being used. Many trustworthy foundations can meet with Giftcoin for a donation, which is very useful for people who need it.

How Giftcoin work ?

The long-term vision of Giftcoin is end-to-end giving. That means, that using a distributed ledger and blockchains you will be able to track the path of the funds you donate to a charity or good cause right up to the point they are spent.

By using a cryptographically secure and tamperproof system which has full public accountability you have utter confidence in the system you are using. Furthermore, by utilising a smart contract in the token, it is possible to release funds in stages only when projects reach key milestones. This means that if a project falters or fails, the funds not yet released can be returned to you as the donor to be donated to a new project.

End to end giving

End to end giving is a revolution in the charitable giving process that means you can track the path of your donation right up until the point it is spent. Here is how a distributed ledger and the blockchain makes it possible :

end to end giving giftcoin


Strength of smart contract

End-to-end delivery is our long-term vision, and we recognize this will only be entirely possible when those at the end of the value chain (such as field workers, or suppliers providing resources) can be paid on Giftcoin. While this is technically possible now, it requires the adoption of a larger cryptocurrency that is still a few years away.

Therefore, as a stepping stone to the potential of end-to-end provisioning, we will begin by offering systems where projects are broken down into milestones and funds are only released when the project reaches this milestone. This means that we can provide early versions, work from systems that deliver some core values and leverage the power of smart contracts as stepping stones for our ultimate vision.

The power of smart contracts giftcoin

By integrating with existing end-user systems in recipient countries, we believe we can support the mass adoption we are looking to create., examples include:

  • Grameen lending and other finance solutions for the unbanked
  • Open-source financial software (e.g. Apache Fineract)
  • End user software, such as apps for featurephones and low-end Android
  • Other financial software and markets, to allow for more sophisticated contracts
  • Charities back-end systems, to allow greater internal transparency
  • Supplier-chain payment systems enabling “pay with Giftcoin” options

Technical specifications of Giftcoin

The Giftcoin ledger will be publicly readable to encourage transparency and to provide a valuable resource for researchers, foundations, NGOs, governments and individuals to see precisely how the money is being used. We also believe that a large body of data showing the flow of funds will enable better policy-making and better use of charitable spend.

Technical specifications giftcoin

The system will need to handle large transaction volumes

Given the size of our Total Addressable Market, once established, Giftcoin is likely to attract a large number of transactions. Any solution must therefore be highly scalable in this regard.

The key features of Giftcoin are therefore :

  • No public mining or PoW
  • High transaction volume
  • Heterogeneous ledger network – not all nodes are equal
  • Adapted for networks that have very low bandwidth at the edge

Token Sale Details

  • Soft cap : 25.000.000 Tokens (est. $2.5m)
  • Hard cap : 100.000.000 Tokens (est. $10.0m)
  • Total supply : Tokens (est. $100.0m)
  • Accepted currency : Ethereum, Bitcoin
  • Minimum purchase : 0.251 ETH
  • Sale price : 1 ETH = 6000 GIFT
  • Sale start : 9:30 EDT March 20th 2018

Bonus and discount scheme

  • Pre-sale : 50%
  • First 24 hours : 25%
  • First week : 15%
  • Second week : 5%

Bonus Coin
Advanced whitelisting for the public sale 10%

Use of proceeds

Proceeds from Token Offering 1 will be primarily invested in development of the tech platform. Additional funds will also be used to establish the foundations of the core business, which will include investing in relationships with charitable partners for testing of the platform.

The anticipated breakdown is as follows :

use of proceeds giftcoin 2

  • 47% tech development
  • 5% overheads
  • 29% PR, marketing and sales
  • 12% legal and accounting
  • 7% admin

Fund Allocations

  • Token Offering 1: 10%
  • Token Offering 2: 35%
  • Giftcoin Foundation reserves: 25%
  • Founders and team: 15%
  • Undefined: 15%



We are preparing for a big day when you will be able to participate in our cause. Giftcoin will start selling on 20th March to sophisticated and high networth investors.

roadmap giftcoin


Founder Team

founder team giftcoin 1

founder team giftcoin 2

founder team giftcoin 3


For more details, and you can follow this charity project :


Author by Dico88

MIDEX is The licensed exchange in the heart of Financial Platform in the future

April 15, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk midex png

Midex Platform

Midex as a financial platform with licensed exchange, approved by lawyers and Swiss bankers.

Midex tools and services are unique solutions based on blocking technologies that are not owned. Today they are analogous in the world and offer revolutionary solutions to combine crypto currency peace and classical financial system. The combination of neural networks and intelligent contracts controls the majority of processes within the Midex ecosystem, which eliminates the possibility of errors and compromises.

Midex is based as a financial platform designed to be the first crypto currency bank to block technology, combining classical banking products, modern digital technology, the Internet of things and the Big Data.

The launch of Midex is an important event for the entire global economy, as it makes the crypto-currency ecosystem stable, transparent and accessible.

The Midex infrastructure is based on a modular principle, which makes it easy to masturbate projects. The module is based on multi-level, decentralized data warehouse that operates on blocking technology. Data encryption and multi-stage customer identification with the help of interrelated tools provide high security of the system.

Midex Purpose

Being a “technology bridge”, provides a fast and secure connection between the crypto currency and the classical economic environment. All bank services will comply with the stringent standards of international legal regulations applicable in finance.


Developing a decentralized, decentralized data storage and data exchange system that will:

  • A convenient and secure way to implement payment transactions in Crypto and Fiat.
  • This will allow you to safely store crypto-currency assets on a single platform with the possibility of a simple exchange for fiat funding.
  • “One window” system for traders and investors Simple implementation of crypto lending and collateral Ability to integrate platform services on third-party sites

Cryptocurrency Market Problems

To this day the crypto currency market is still very devastated and just past the stage of formation. Until now, the issue of buying and selling crypto currency has not been resolved. There is no way to bind cryptowlute to a card or bank account, with a simple way to pay for purchases and services.

Part of this is due to the fact that many have not fully learned about new technologies and their economic models. The volatility of crypto currency assets and the risk of state influence creates uncertainty in the market.


  • Crypto currency is very complex to understand
  • Instability and volatility
  • Lack of prop and technical regulations
  • There is no way out of the crypto currency in the real world


Purchase of goods for crypto currency on the internet via bank, Steps:

  • Registration on the store website
  • Payments for goods using bank accounts in any currency with instant conversion to the currency required by the seller with the best exchange rate

In this case, the bank provides the distributor with a floating API, giving the opportunity for buyers to make in any convenient currency through merchant bank, without leaving the site of the seller. The bank automatically converts the received payment to the currency that the seller needs and transfers it to its purses or settlement accounts.

The bank can be the issuer of the buyer’s card and the place of opening of the settlement account of the seller, which will ensure the maximum transaction speed and minimum costs for all three parties.

The benefit will be with simple exchange transactions or purchases in offline stores, when the buyer can use his crypto-currency bank card to pay for goods or services. At the same time, on the map, balalaance can be in bitcoins, and goods or services can be sold in dollars. And if the balance is not enough, then the card can be replenished through a simple ATM with a guarantee of conversion at the best rate.

Midex Products and services

Storage, transfer and exchange of cryptocurrency assets

MIDEX milestones to become a complete platform :

1. Midex Exchange

  • Fastest transactions and frontend ever
  • Fully legal operation
  • Blockchain
  • Private keys are always accessible for clients
  • Exchange aggregator for simple artbitrage

2. Midex Banking

  • Debit cards
  • ATM network
  • Escrow service

3. Midex Trust

  • Asset management fund
  • Marketplace
  • Investment banking (ICO center)

4. Midex Credit

  • P2P credit marketplace

5. Midex Business

  • Blockchain development for private clients


Quick access to assets via Internet banking and applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone

Midex is a center managing your finances successfully combining intuitive design and a modern technology platform for sending and receiving transfers, invoicing, exchange transactions, deposits and investments. A unique feature is the ability to connect the accounts of financial services and crypto-exchange exchanges with their subsequent management from the cabinet of Midex.

Possibilities of personal cabinet:

  • Operative receipt of complete information on all accounts, bank cards, loans, deposits and investments
  • Transfers of funds between their accounts and accounts of other customers. Midex. Transfers to accounts of third-party banks, payment systems and crypto-purses
  • Repayment of loans, replenishment of deposits, accounts
  • Create periodic (regular) payments, transfers, and schedule management
  • Self-locking and unlocking of your accounts and cards
  • Transfers by the number of any crypto-currency account
  • Transfers from the card to the VISA card and the Master Card of another bank. To transfer funds to the sender, it is necessary to know only the Visa card number or Master Card of the transferee
  • Search for nearby ATM ATM code, views and information about special offers
    Implementation of payments and transfers to various service providers accepting both crypto currency and phiatic money: cell phone operators, internet-providers, cable and satellite TV, utilities, electronic wallets


How much will I earn ?

Midex distributes a part of operation commissions of the exchange and other Midex services daily among contributors in proportion to their stake.

distribusi token midex

For counting estimated revenue from Midex tokens just pull inside a framework your amount of tokens and choose an exchange sample with desirable trading volume.

We are going to pay such bonuses. And it is competely legal.
We strictly observe all regulations and rules. All information about Tokensale features you can find in our Terms & Conditions.

How to control it ?

Midex private blockchain commits all transactions to Midex public blockchain and issues a hash of this transaction for which any user can check the operation status through the web interface and find out the details about sender, recipient, date and thereby confirm any operation.

midex private project

Blockchain and Smart Contracts in Midex

The main Midex concept is to create a decentralized and independt ecosystem of services accesible via a common platform. In order reduce technological and other risks, the Midex ecosystem uses distributed blockchain. A pat of the system services is based in Ethereum, a part of them in its own blockchain platform specifically developed for the bank activities. Midex is a constantly developing system, therefore, it is suggested that other well known blockchain platforms are used so that to have a quicker and safer operation of the project services.

Using blockchain the following will be in operaion :

  • System status monitoring system
  • Recording of safety violation cases
  • Check of obligation fulfillment status

The following pre conditions are set in order to define the functionality required for the platform implementation :

  • Execution of the transaction is supported by the document exchange between the parties
  • The basic transaction settlement is carried out both via standard (fiat) settlement channels and cryptocurrencies
  • All transaction operations shall be maximally evidenced legally following the applicable legal regulation
  • All opetaions and signals of transactions among operations shall be automated maximally.

smart contract blockchain midex

Token Sale

Midex Tokensale is the way to collect funds for the Midex Exchange liquidity and facilitate the development of new technology and banking products. The legal part of Midex is also very important. That’s why specified 10% of raised funds to it.

There are 75.000.000 MDX tokens which may be issued by a smart contrac for Midex token sale.

Token Distribution

  • Token Holders 65%
    For counting estimated revenue from Midex tokens just pull inside a framework your amount of tokens and choose an exchange sample with desirable trading volume.
  • Team 20%
    Fifth part of issued tokens will be used for Midex team. All of the distributed tokens will be frozen for 1 year to control the total market supply.
  • Advisors and Ambassador 7%
    International experts help us to become better.
  • All Bounties 8%
    Bounties are popular instrument to pay attention of the society to the project.

Fund Allocations

  • Marketing 10%
    Public relations. Loyalty programs. New users attraction.
  • Legal 10%
    Licensing. Complience. Audit.
  • Development 20%
    Financial products development. Technical development.
  • Operations 10%
    Bank processing. Providing international customer services. Integration of technical solutions to the platform
  • Liquidity 50%
    Half of the collected investments will be used to make exchange liquid. Exchange should have high liquidity from the first days of its operational work to attract new users.

How to use a token in the system ?

  • Increase the limit to withdraw cash from card or transfer
  • Accept commission discount for fund input / output
  • Leave the tokens as collateral in the system and thereby improve the conditions for obtaining P2P loans
  • Get access to unique locations in the Midex VR office
  • Customize your dashboard
  • Pay for items at Midex store
  • Pay access to confidential information from the Midex Analytic Center
  • Get individual advice on business, investment and trade from the world’s leading professionals


Midex Roadmap

Already done

  • Cryptocurrency exchange
  • Exchange service
  • Escrow
  • Web-platform
  • Quotes aggregator

Development in progress

  • P2P loans marketplace
  • Asset management
  • Acceptance of payments
  • Trading API
  • Mobile applications
  • PI liсense
  • Participation in SWIFT
  • Blockchain

Development in progress

  • Bank license
  • Saving accounts
  • Settlement accounts
  • Issue of plastic cards
  • Asset Management marketplace
  • Crypto Exchange aggregation
  • Cryptomats

Q2, 2019
Ready for investments

  • Creation of Midex Coin
  • Lending
  • Educational program
  • MidexSecure system
  • Social trade network

Q4, 2019
Ready for investments

  • Venture investment
  • Insurance
  • Broker services
  • ICO Marketplace

Ready for investments

  • Premium Insurance
  • Social trading network

Top Management

Midex person


  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov (Economic Department)
  • Executive MBA from Kellogg School of Management (USA) and
  • WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)

Entrepreneur, owner, and co-investor of a number of companies in finance, innovative technologies, and real estate. 2012-2016 at UBS, Managing Director, Member of the Management Committee for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Location Head for CEE Wealth Management in Geneva, Head of Internationl Locations ( (London, Singapore, Monaco, Luxemburg) and Head of Enterpreneurs in Zurich. In 2005 started green field operation for Aviva (insurance, pensions, asset management) in Russia. Country Manager, CEO Aviva and Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund Aviva Russia. In 2010-2012 also European Corporate Director (12 EU and Eastern European Countries) Aviva Europe, Dublin. From 1998 to 2012 at Ingosstrakh Group, Deputy General Director, CEO of the Life Subsidiary and Chairman of the Pension Fund.

Midex person


  • The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law
  • Moscow Business school

Dmitry began his career as a lawyer and worked in large international companies in the financial and banking sectors. After working for some time in consulting in one of the leadings law firm Clifford Chance in Paris and Luxembourg, Dmitry became a Partner of a law firm in Moscow. Since 2013, he has been a professional consultant for several startups around the world. In same time, Dmitry has launched several his own projects of his own. Dmitry is in the crypto industry since 2014. He has advised over 30 blockchain projects and he is the author of numerous articles in different media. Dmitry is an expert of the web portals and In 2017, he was appointed as CEO of Midex.

Midex person

Head of tax and Legal

  • Tallinn School of Economics

Alex has extensive experience in corporate and government structures in Estonia. He has an economic and legal education. Alex is an international specialist in tax planning and auditing. Consultant of the Estonian Tax Service. He speaks five languages.

Core Team

Midex person

CTO (Technical director)

CEO and co-founder of Yoldi Agency full service IT company. Blockchain evangelist, specialist in integration blockchain technology to business projects. Expert in crypto and high load projects security. 10 years in banking IT, 5 years in blockchain. Developer of financial business logic, internal ERP and monitoring systems.

Midex person

PR Director

Professional with more than 15 years of experience in public and media relations in the biggest banks, finance corporations, and public authority.

Midex person


For more than 10 years, Mike has held executive positions in marketing in various international companies. Former Chief Business Development Officer at TrueFlip. In 2014 Mike plunged into the study of blockchain technology and crypto-currency assets. S Expert at Since 2017 Chief Marketing Officer at Midex.pheres of professional activity: digital marketing, consulting, trading.

Midex person

Legal counsel

  • Graduated from the University of Strasbourg.

Specialist in british and International Law. Specializes in IT projects, gambling and ICO. Stan worked with such projects as: Mark.Space, TrueFlip, Travelchain.

Midex person

Arseniy DAIN

Arseniy has experience of attracting large investments. He is experienced of working with business angels and investment funds around the world. Champion of the International Olympiad in Economics and in the competition for trading.

Midex person

Traffic manager

Graduated from ITMO university. Experience more than 5 years of work in digital marketing in major international agencies.

Midex person

Hype manager

More than 10 years in worldwide PR. Great experience in creating virus content and different events highlighting.

Midex person

Natasha LUKINA
Project manager

Experience in marketing and project management for more than 12 years. She was one of the first Wikimart’s employees.

Midex person

Vladislav ROMANOV
IT Developer

Graduated from ITMO university. Studied possibilities of next generation of decentralised applications and using of deep machine learning in blockchain products.

Midex person

IT Developer

Graduated from ETU (LETI) university. Studied cryptography and data storing, have a big interest to blockchain technology as very reliable technology to everyone. Experienced in creating applications with blockchain technology as the way to storing data.

Midex person

Vitaliy KUKHAR
IT Developer

Specialist with diploma of «software engeneering». 5+ years as Frontend Developer. Experinced in creation of high efficient cross browser and responsive web applications. Experienced in integration of fintech projects.

Midex person

IT Developer

Developer of highload fintech projects with 5+ years experience. Designer of efficiently scalable system architecture. Taken part in development of banking CRM, investment and credit services, social networks and dating sites. Have experience in integration of blockchain to ecosystems of different projects.

Midex person


5+ years as ui/ux designer in big international projects. Create attractive person friendly interfaces accordingly to persons and business requirements.

Midex person


5+ years as ui/ux designer. Graduated from university as interior designer. Regulary updates qualification in UI/UX design. Experinced in social network projects, mobile apps and fintech projects.



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Posted by Dico88


RXEAL is a decentralized platform used for transparent upgrades for property tenants

April 11, 2018

RxEAL is a safe and reliable storage storage platform in the Ethereum blockchain. This provides a decentralized dispute resolution with a primary focus on real estate and automotive rental markets worth hundreds of billions of USD combined. RxEAL will also be available to other industries demanding reliable deposit storage and fair dispute resolution.

RxEAL has all the potential to become a one-stop-solution for security deposit transactions in ever growing rental markets. By solving the issue of trust, we are providing added value for all involved parties, therefore our service results in a valuable improvement for the world’s largest markets.

The latest market trends show that people are more inclined to rent real estate, cars or other assets rather than to buy them. There are several reasons for this, of which the most common are :

  • Regular trips abroad for work or leisure related purposes;
  • A faster pace of life involving frequent changes of environment;
  • Reduced maintenance, tax, insurance, amenity costs;
  • Decrease in cost benefits of owning a property;
  • The economic situation and low savings; and
  • High real estate, car and other asset prices.

Rental Deposits and Disputes

The deposit amount for real estate rental transactions varies across countries. In most cases, lessors require an amount equal to 1-2 months’ rent. According to some reports, the security deposit amount in the United States is predominantly based on one to two months’ rent8 that averages slightly above $10009,10, while in the United Kingdom it is around four weeks rent that averages around £80011. Meanwhile, the deposit amount in China may vary from one to six months’ rent.12 In the Baltic States on average it commonly varies from 1-3 months’ rent.

According to information available on car rental company websites, deposits required by companies and individuals vary significantly and on average are $200 – $800 for smaller car categories.


RXL token is a crucial element of RxEAL platform and ensures flexibility and control over the project growth. Payments for services, payouts to arbitrators and other interactions with interaction with decentralized applications and smart contracts on the Ethereum ecosystem and guarantees a fixed standard of security.

The underlying economic strength of the RXL token is its utility. The RXL token allows exclusive access to services provided by the RxEAL platform, thus making it a utility token, rather than a speculative instrument.

The value of the RXL token directly correlates with the success of the RxEAL platform. Given the fixed token supply, an increase in RxEAL service usage directly leads to an appreciation of the token value by virtue of it being a unit required for paying the service fee of the platform.

RxEAL Platform ICO and Token (PLAT)

RxEAL will be released during the contribution period. Bitguild will sell ERC-20 compatible Ethereum-based PLAT token. The aim of the token sale is to provide a discounted participation for the early adopters of the decentralized platform. By purchasing PLAT tokens, the early adopters receives a discounted price for using the decentralized platform. The ICO has been structured to give the best opportunities to anyone who would like to participate from the very beginning, providing maximum flexibility and control for the participants.

Bitguild token (PLAT) will be used for secured and fast payment within the Bitguild ecosystem. It will also be used to provide incentive for early adopters.

Token Details

  • Ticker : RXL
  • Type : Utility-token
  • Token Standard : ERC-20
  • Additional Token Emission : No
  • Token price in ETH : 1 Token = 0.000830 ETH
  • Accepted Currencies : ETH
  • ICO start date : 18 February 2018
  • ICO end date : 18 March 2018
  • ICO Token Supply : 48000000

Token Sale

Bonus tokens will be awarded during token sale stages

token sale rxeal

The token amount distributed by tiers is following :

token distribution rxeal 2

Token Distribution

token distribution rxeal

  • 6% + 50% of RXL tokens will be sold out during the token sale rounds. The amount of the remaining tokens will be calculated based on the token sale results to maintain initial proportions.
  • 30% of RXL tokens are held as company reserves and can be used for fee payments, exchange listings, product development and service release to the public.
  • 10% of RXL tokens are reserved for the team and are frozen for the period of 6 months.
  • 1% of RXL tokens will be distributed among the early company investors.
  • 3% of RXL tokens are allocated for the bounty programme and will be distributed according to stakes earned by participants.

Fund Allocation

  • 40% – Marketing
  • 30% – Administrative and operational costs
  • 20% – Product development
  • 10% – Legal

Core Team

Dmitrijs Orlovs
Strategy & Marketing

Dmitrijs has gained comprehensive experience in the field of tax and finance while working in EY with companies such as L’Oréal, IBM, General Electric, Accenture and others. In addition, Dmitrijs has managed various projects in the fields of IT, engineering and marketing. Dmitrijs has also gained valuable sales and marketing experience while working as the Head of Sales in a hardware startup and while managing marketing related projects in the biggest retail chain in the Baltics.

Aleksandrs Puzdrans
Co-Founder/Technology & Operations

Aleksandrs co-founded an agency specializing in WordPress-based solution development with more than 20,000 clients from all around the world choosing its products. Aleksandrs has studied international economics and commercial diplomacy and has always been excited by new technologies, and while working on a real estate related FinTech project in 2016 he became enthusiastic about opportunities that blockchain can provide to improve the industry and eventually this transformed into the creation of RxEAL.

Janis Dabols
Co-Founder/Legal & Finance

Janis is experienced lawyer and financier for almost 10 years. His expertise lays in financial markets, investment management, securities law, securities regulation and corporate law. He has been working as a financial market and global economy analyst, structured private equity and alternative investment funds, complex commercial real estate transactions and has provided financial, legal and tax consultations to various corporations and high net worth individuals.

Boris Koziorov
Development Lead

Boris is a technical expert and software engineer with notable experience in scalable project development and implementing software solutions for startups, internal systems and CRM’s. He has been a team leader of the IT department at Rention a company developing a complete property and rental management segment. Boris acts as a technology consultant and coordinator in various startups. Additionally, Boris is a member of the board in a digital agency and he is focused on developing and implementing modern software solutions for a wide range of customers.

Janis Egle
Design, UX & UI

Janis is a talented web designer and has studied design in the Baltic International Academy. He has co-founded a web design agency specializing in WordPress-based product development in 2011. Janis has participated in various individual, corporate and government projects and worked as a packaging and graphic designer at the leading brand refresher company DPJN Inc.

Liene Abola
Real Estate & Legal

Liene is a highly experienced expert in various legal spheres. For a couple of years now she has been working with construction and real estate legal matters and has proved her knowledge in conjunction with her practical abilities while working as a lawyer in an international construction group of companies in Europe. Previously Liene has proved her professionalism working as a judge’s assistant in a district court, and subsequently, the Supreme Court. As a lawyer, Liene has participated in various construction projects, provided consultations and legal evaluation on insurance, labour, construction, tax and custom legislation. Liene has also successfully participated in international law moots not only as a participant, but also as an arbitrator.

Mindaugas Peciokas
Finance & Technology

Mindaugas has over 9 years of indepth experience of working in the fields of finance & accounting. He is currently based in Luxembourg working with global private equity and real estate funds. Being exposed to daily operations of funds and corporations, he is also familiar with legal and tax structuring of funds and corporates, as well as compliance and governance topics. He has extensive experience dealing with complex consolidations of large multinational corporations. Previously, Mindaugas worked as an auditor at KPMG gaining broad experience in the operations of banks, insurance, retail and manufacturing companies. Mindaugas is also an IT enthusiast. He has previously worked as a programmer with a number of startups such as penny auctions, CRM and real estate systems.

Media Partners

For more details, you can visit our below:
Posted by Dico88

PARKGENE as the latest Blockchain-based innovation for everyone

Maret 19, 2018

Hasil gambar untuk parkgene

PARKGENE PTE Ltd is incorporated in Singapore and is wholly subsidiary of PARKGURU LTD (UK), a company that owns and operates an advanced omnichannel parking booking service ( Today, PARKGURU’s applications provide booking services and detailed information on millions of parking spaces located in Europe and North America.

The introduction of PARKGENE will create an operational fork. PARKGURU will remain focused on providing on-street and off-street parking, sourced by municipalities and professional parking operators (garages), while PARKGENE will be a new product focused on efficient decentralized peer-to-peer parking for individually owned driveways and home garages.

parkguru for parkgene

The success of PARKGURU has provided proof of concept for PARKGENE. What has already been developed will serve as a minimum viable product for PARKGENE to begin operations. The contribution of PARKGURU to PARKGENE will not only be IT and infrastructure, but also an introduction of PARKGENE services to more than 50,000 existing clients of PARKGURU and share of a PARKGURU’s talent pool of more than thirty engineers, developers, support, sales and finance teams.

WHAT IS Parkgene ?

PARKGENE is similar to the “Airbnb for parking”. We will connect people that own parking spaces with drivers who want to park, provide additional parking spaces to the market, and undercut the cost of high parking fees, while providing an income source to all parking spot owners who rent out their driveways and garages.

PARKGENE, built on the Ethereum blockchain, will be the first system which allows drivers and owners of parking spaces to transact with each other directly.


To disrupt the traditional parking industry, especially offline, sized $ 100 Billion per year, and to provide drivers with a better parking experience, while helping the city become more intelligent and environmentally friendly.


To create a more transparent and liquid way to park. PARKGENE addresses both the short and long-term parking rental markets by lowering fees, using decentralized conflict resolutions and making this market truly P2P, eliminating various middlemen, and ensuring that reviews and listings are honest, as they are stored on an immutable blockchain.

How does PARKGENE work ?

Drivers looking for a parking spot meet virtually with parking owners through the PARKGENE app. The following diagram shows the different stages of a parking session completed on the PARKGENE platform and over the Ethereum Blockchain with smart contracts.

Once a driver reserves a parking spot, the reservation triggers the PARKGENE smart contract on the Ethereum Public Blockchain.

The PARKGENE App transfers the full parking fee amount in GENEs from the driver wallet, to a depository (a temporary wallet). Should there not be enough GENEs balance in the driver’s wallet, the driver can use his credit card or other means of payment (Bitcoins, Ethers) to buy GENEs real-time and pay for the transaction.

The successful reservation and payment provide additional App functionality to
drivers and parking owners which is needed for the completion of the actual parking session. For example, the driver will have the ability to open the garage door from his mobile phone, while the parking owner is notified and monitors in live video the entrance and exit of the vehicle. This functionality is optional although very helpful and is achieved through integration of PARKGENE platform with existing remote access tools that are available in the market, or a specific device that PARKGENE will offer to the Parking Space owners at very low cost.

Security Measures

PARKGENE values the security of both the parking space owners (who provide access to their premises) as well as the drivers who park their cars. There are several measures we have put in place to manage all these security issues.

There are different stages where security measures are applied :

  • Account ownership and access

The most common security breach is when a scammer or other bad actor takes control of someone’s account by obtaining the password. Normally, this would mean access to someone’s email or the ability to make purchases on their behalf. But in the case of PARKGENE, it could mean giving a stranger access to private details about your home parking space and the ability to rent it out to others.

Multi-Factor Authentication is implemented to prevent account takeovers. PARKGENE will require both hosts and guests when logging in from new devices to verify their identity with a second account, either via SMS or email. This policy is common among a clear majority of other social and communication apps that use multi-factor authentication, including Facebook, Google, etc.

Predictive models, trained using machine learning techniques, look for uncharacteristic behavior to flag for instance, if the account is seeing an abnormal number of login attempts or a login from a foreign country, PARKGENE system will ask for an additional confirmation that the person logged in is truly in good faith.

In addition to multi-factor authentication, PARKGENE is also adding SMS alerts, Push Notifications and Email alerts to let people stay up to date about changes made to their account in the event a stranger has gained access and starts tinkering with settings.

  • Physical Access to the Parking Spot

Check-In Process. To provide additional security and increase the level of loyalty and trust between the driver and the parking owner. When the driver checks in, the parking owner (or the PARKGENE Service) gives the driver the “digital keys” (or the remote control) and uses the mobile application to either scan the QR code or even press the “Open Garage Door” button from the driver’s phone screen. This feature is optionally implemented with PARKGENE Internet Door Opener (PIDO) or any other world class garage door opener manufacturers such as Chamberlain, Nortec and others.

Check Out Process. When the driver departs from the parking space, the digital keys are deactivated, and the check-out is confirmed to the system. Monitoring and Auditing of Parking Session. Depending on the situation, the Parking Owner and the Driver may have access to video recording of the Parking session, which is securely stored for 1 year on PARKGENE’s platform and available to anyone who has the link and the authority to view it. This feature is implemented with the use of any Video Camera connected with the parking space account and it is extremely helpful to both users to resolve any issue that may arise.

  • Financial transactions

Financial transactions conducted over the PARKGENE platform are secured in multiple ways. PARKGENE offers high level of Wallet Security to both drivers and Parking Owners who transact with each other. All GENE Tokens including additional cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ether, etc.) stored in wallets are pooled and securely stored in different wallet layers such as Hot and Cold Storage Multi Sig Wallets so the risk of hacking is minimized.

PARKGENE parking session fees are managed by the PARKGENE parking smart contract deployed on the Ethereum blockchain and the funds are distributed to the stakeholders automatically after the end of each parking session. All funds distribution is traceable through Etherscan.

ICO Offering Terms

ketentuan ICO parkgene

Token Sale

During the Token Sale, PARKGENE PTE Ltd will issue a crypto token called GENE Token (GENE) on the Ethereum blockchain, operated by a smart contract which will be made available to buyers globally, excluding Restricted Persons.

  • GENE (GENE) – ERC20 token with a limited release
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • GENE (Token Sale Base Price) = $0.10
  • Total GENE: 1,000,000,000
  • Token Sale Hard Cap 350,000,000 GENE
  • Accepted forms of payment: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DASH and USD

How I can see my GENE tokens ?

You can check you GENE tokens balance inside the token sale platform at The tokens will be distributed to the participants wallets (ERC20 compatible) after the ICO ends.

When we announce that the GENE Tokens are distributed to the participants, if you don’t see your token balance in your ERC20 wallet, you should add a custom token. In the address field insert 0x6dd4e4aad29a40edd6a409b9c1625186c9855b4d, enter the token symbol (GENE) and decimals (8). After that you should be able to see your balance.

How can I buy Gene Tokens ?

  1. Create an account at the token sale area on the official website
  2. You can pay with ETHEREUM, BITCOIN, BITCOIN CASH, LITECOIN, DASH and USD through wire transfer
  3. Get your ETHEREUM, BITCOIN, BITCOIN CASH, LITECOIN, DASH adresses (they are used only for you) in which you will deposit your payments
  4. If you chose to pay with a wire transfer an invoice with all the details will be generated for you to complete the payment
  5. After submiting your payment, the token sale platform, will show you the address balance. You can buy the GENE tokens by pressing the “BUY” button.
  6. Before you complete your buy, you will be prompted to enter the receiveing ERC20 ETHEREUM Wallet where we will send you the GENE Tokens instantly when you complete your buy transaction.

The PARKGENE Charity Funds

PARKGENE Charity Fund will initially receive any unallocated GENE Tokens from the Bounty Program after the Token Sale completes. Additionally it will receive remaining award tokens from parking smart contracts which have not been fully utilized after 1 month from their completion (functionality of the PARKGENE Smart Contract). The Charity Fund may also receive donations from 3rd Parties, including any donations available from the PARKGENE Development Fund.

PARKGENE Charity Fund will donate up to 5% of its assets on a yearly basis to charitable purposes related to the Parking and Automotive industry. These purpose could include

  • Academic Research and Development
  • Scholarships
  • Donations to institutions / organizations who have an involvement with the Parking
  • Automotive Industry
  • Sponsorships and awards in events related to the Parking / Automotive Industry

PARKGENE Charity Fund will make official announcements on when and where GENE Tokens have been used. The announcements will be made at the PARKGENE’s Web Site at

Token allocation

The tokens will be allocated among participants of the Token Sale as well as Team, Advisors, Founders and Bounty users as follows :

  • Early Bird & Regular Sale participants will be allocated 35% of all tokens issued.
  • Team & Advisors will be allocated 10% of the tokens issued.
  • Purchasers on private sale will be allocated 10% of the tokens issued.
  • Bounty Program will be allocated 5% of the tokens issued.
  • PARKGENE will reserve 40% of the tokens issued for the PARKGENE Future Fund

alokasi dana parkgene 1


Token Distribution

  • Product development is budgeted to use 20% of the funds.
  • Continuous R&D is budgeted to use 15% of the funds.
  • Business development and global offices is budgeted to use 20% of the funds.
  • Legal and Administrative expenses are budgeted to use 5% of the funds.
  • Marketing is budgeted to use 40% of the funds. This budget will go towards the creation of marketing campaigns to attract new customers which will increase the transaction volume and token circulation, while building the P2P Parking community we envisage.




Core Team

louis Hatzis CEO parkgene

Louis Hatzis
Chief Executive Officer

Internet entrepreneur envolved in a series of succesful Consumer Internet and AdTech startups. He has also worked for Google and JWT.
Passionate about cryptocurrencies, he is working with blockchain startups to advance the use of the technology and writes weekly in about Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto.


yannis ramfos COO parkgene

Yannis Ramfos
Chief Operating Officer

An accomplished, results-driven Executive Director with over 20 years of demonstrated success directing business and technology operations towards profitability and productivity.

john zarifis CTO parkgene

John Zarifis
Chief Technolgy Officer
Blockchain Expert

15 years experience as senior software engineer, software architect, team supervisor.
3+ years experience as Software Research and Development Director in multinational software companies.

nikolas skarlatos CFO parkgene

Nikolas Skarlatos
Chief Financial Officer

Experienced market participant with a demonstrated history of working in the investment management industry with a proven track record. Extensive skill set includes multi asset portfolio management, fund selection, equity valuation, as well as derivative pricing and market making.

tasos flambouras cdm parkgene

Tasos Flambouras
Chief of Digital Marketing

Tasos has over 20 years of digital strategy and interactive entertainment experience with a career spanning commercial, production, operations, and product senior management roles. He’s an entrepreneur and a gaming industry pioneer in Greece having shipped many successful products to the global market.


Advisors Team

george giaglis advisor parkgene 1

George Giaglis
Professor at AUEB
Blockchain/Fintech Research

Involved with Bitcoin and blockchains since 2012. Founder of the world’s first academic degree on blockchains (MSc in Digital Currency, University of Nicosia). Has also set up AUEB’s Fintech Lab and is regularly involved in advising roles regarding blockchain strategy design and implementation.

gal ron advisor parkgene

Gal Ron
Blockchain, Fintech PR, Marketing Expert

Over 30 years of experience in growing companies worldwide spanning from financial markets to virtual reality. CEO of ConversionPros, and founder of TokenTarget. Passionate about blockchain based projects, with special interest in ICO and Post-ICO marketing.

shahid tanvir advisor parkgene

Shahid Tanvir
Chief Specialist (Advisor to CEO – Smart City, ICT)
Road and Transport Authority of Dubai

A seasoned professional in the IT and Transportation industry. He has worked on numerous smartcity, IOT projects. Lately he organized the Blockchain Innovation Lab for the RTA of Dubai while also researching IOT, Autonomous Vehicles, Smart Parking, etc.

athanasios kalekos advisor parkgene

Athanasios Kalekos
Managing Partner Odyssey Venture Partners

“A.K.,” as he is known in the Valley, has 30 years of executive management and venture capital experience. He is currently Managing Partner in Odyssey Venture Partners, Athens, Greece & Palo Alto, CA, USA a Venture capital firm investing in the Information and Communication Technology sector.

manos chatzopoulos advisor parkgene

Manos Chatzopoulos
CEO Parkzen LLC
Astrophysicist Professor at LSU

Co-founder and CEO of ParkZen LLC (, a smartphone app service that utilizes data analysis algorithms to locate faster free curbside parking. Assistant Professor at Louisiana State University working on a variety of research projects in collaboration with local and external scientists.

brian subirana advisor parkgene

Brian Subirana
Director in MIT Auto-ID Laboratory
Cryptocurrencies/ blockchain researcher

Director in MIT Auto-ID Laboratory. He has also worked for Harvard, Stanford, IESE, INSEAD and earlier for the Boston Consulting Group. Researches disruptive IoT/AI in digital learning, electric vehicles, retail supply chain, and cryptocurrencies/ blockchain.

liz davison advisor parkgene

Liz Davison
Parking Consultant
Complete Parking Management Consultancy Ltd

Professional with 20 years’ experience in the parking industry with in-depth knowledge and experience, specialising in parking management/policy, contract management/procurement, service reviews as well as parking design and Civil Enforcement, within both Local Authority and the private sector.

mixalis marinos advisor parkgene

Mixalis Marinos
Actor / Economist / Technology Enthusiast

Mixalis is a well known actor in Greece and Cyprus. He has studied Economics at the Athens University of Business and Acting at Athens Drama School. He has participated in numerous films, TV Serials and Theater plays. He is involved in technology and follows all new developments including blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

vangelis pastas advisor parkgene

Vangelis Pastas
Quantitative Researcher at Jump Trading LLC

He started his career as a quantitative researcher at Morgan Stanley, where he was developing trading algorithms to facilitate client execution, responsible for more than 10% of the daily volume in the equity markets globally. Passionate about the latest developments in mathematics, blockchain and crypto-currency.

russ meneve advisor parkgene

Russ Meneve
Stand Up Comedian / Technology Enthusiast

An American stand-up comedian from Hawthorne, New Jersey. He has appeared on multiple shows on NBC and Comedy Central. He was awarded “The Impact Player of 2005” and was in “The Ten Funniest New Yorkers You’ve Never Heard Of” list published by New York magazine.

krishna karthik advisor parkgene

Krishna Karthik
CEO – Day1 Technologies

Co-founder of Day1 Technologies, an artificial intelligence based mobility solutions company dealing in apps powered by cryptocurrencies like ethereum and bitcoin. With 13 years of experience, Kim is a serial entrepreneur who has built several multi-million dollar enterprises in the technology space.


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Author by Dico88

ETH address : 0xBdc50Fc5e4d30887DFa1F0B495aAf4011a6Eb1a2