Posts Tagged ‘ERC20’

QURREX is the First Cryptocurrency Exchanger High Performance of the International Trade Platform

April 26, 2018

Hello everyone!

You want to invest in an Initial coin offering (ICO) program then I have an excellent ICO info to follow is QURREX – The First High Performance Cryptocurrency Exchanger from the International Trade Platform. For more details on this project let us discuss it together as follows.

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Before joining ICO program we must know first what is QURREX project. Qurrex establishes an industry standard in crypto-economy for universal cryptocurrency exchange – which can ultimately be attained only by existing platforms after years of independent effort. This platform will be the first currency exchange cryptocurrency based on the high performance architecture of the leading international trading platform. Instead of responding to market demand “yesterday”, it is designed for the future – for an impending growth boom in cryptocurrency trading.

In addition, this project will be an important factor in the development of crypto economy because it not only meets the demands and solves the current user problems of the existing exchange platform. It also creates favorable conditions for the new wave of participants. currently not represented in the crypto world. As a demo model, we have set up a test web version of the trading terminal that will serve as the interface for our exchange system.

The test version can reflect current quotes for key digital currency pairs, provide trade and analytical capabilities, and provide news feeds from multiple sources. Currently, the end of the client service – platform functionality for social and investment trades – is 60% operational. At the back of the exchange system, the concept of CEX and DEX delivery has been developed, and work has begun on a separate part of the system, for a readiness level of about 20%. In early February 2018, an order-matching module will be launched in test mode and presented for external load testing.

Initially, the Qurrex platform was designed exclusively as a centralized cryptocurrency exchange system. The reason for this is related to the team background: having worked for over 10 years on the creation of various exchange systems and brokers and products for traditional markets, we have inadvertently become adherents of this approach.

However, research into distributed networks as part of the current project delivery leads us to new approaches and tools to solve many of the problems we have faced over the past few years. Here we are referring, first and foremost, the need to increase the liquidity of separate instruments, as well as to increase client trust in unregulated infrastructure providers.

The result of our investigation is the understanding that, to create an effective exchange system and meet the demands of various circles of users, what is needed is a harmonious harmonization of centralized and decentralized elements.

The main thing that we understand is the fact that, in infrastructure prepared to handle assets, the potential of the community behind the public blockchain network must be taken into account, for it is precisely this community that is the basis of the future crypto-economy.

To provide a convenient tool for clients to execute operations and maximize liquidity, we formulate our approach in the following ways:

Centralized exchange (CEX) will, in the long run, remain the most effective solution in creating maximum liquidity possibility in most types of trading instruments;

At present, only in a centralized infrastructure that makes some of the most effective pre-deposit funds possible (the function of ensuring transaction fulfillment is always done by the central link of the infrastructure) and this technology, in our view, will eventually be introduced to the cryptocurrency market;

  • Decentralized exchange (DEX) with high capacity remains, unfortunately, an objective that can not be achieved in the medium term, while clients need high quality services now.
  • With this, we believe that finally, the obstacles to creating high-capacity DEX will be overcome.


  • DEX is an indispensable tool for creating liquidity in low liquidity instruments such as tokens issued as part of ICO or any number of altcoins;
  • DEX is the natural protection of technical problems that must occur from time to time at the central node of a centralized system;
  • DEX is the most understood and most transparent mechanism for reducing risk around the function of the central connection of the infrastructure, even at the expense of other product quality (processing time of operation, for example).
  • This approach lies at the heart of our system and inspires us to simultaneously create successful, advanced, and effective central projects, and to move forward, heed the call to build and utilize a decentralized system.



Attempts by developers to solve the problem of speed, liquidity, collateral and algorithms for matching trade operations have led to the emergence of a decentralized trading platform dependent on centralized services, which solves the problem of keeping order books, keeping reserves for collateral, matching order entry and choosing technology for collective settlement . Such centralization raises the question of solving the global problem of vulnerable intermediary presence. From our perspective, most of the technical solutions in these projects are basically marketing innovations that aim to secure better product sales.

Main feature

High End Performance, Coral Theft Module is visible and reliable

  • Throughput : >= 70,000 trx / second.
  • Latency : <= 650μs and 99%
  • Capacity : >= millions of connections
  • No data missing

Hybrid Infrastructure

Integration of CEX and DEX with Single Order Book

  • CEX with high-end performance for algo traders and HFT
  • DEX with high liquidity from the Single Booking Book

Next generation security level

  • Traditional Exchange System Security Infrastructure
  • Safe «cold storage»
  • «Hot» wallet insurance program
  • Supervision by a recognized IT Security Company

Wide Function

  • The Algo trading function is embedded in the GUI
  • Automatic copy trading signals
  • Various analytical tools & charts
  • Social Trade Segment
  • Information Services (Market Resources and Real Time Analysis)
  • Non-Trade Segments (Corporate Services, Market Technology, Trade Management Services)


We plan to provide the Qurrex with high liquidity thanks to :

  • Cooperation with large liquidity providers
  • The liquidity fund of Qurrex is sufficient
  • Best practice in launching new instruments


We will be the first in the cryptomarket to act as a traditional public company.

  • Maximum formalization of all processes (rule book, etc.)
  • Regular disclosure of financial statements and reports
  • Annual audit by Big 4

Hybrid Exchange Purchase Function

  • Establishment of aggregate order books based on citations collected from all system nodes (both centralized and decentralized nodes);
  • Aggregated book distribution distribution to the blockchain node;
  • Choice of blockchain nodes with the best instrument / quotation price to place orders sent by the client (if the order can not be marketed, it is included in the order book of the original system node);
  • Sending order to selected system node (for marketable order); entry of information on order into blockchain (for order queue);
  • Confirm acceptance of implementation.


  • Public pre-sale period: 27 February – 27 March
  • Fixed selling price: 800 QRX = 1 ETH or equivalent in BTC / LTC
  • Volume min: 15 ETH or equivalent in BTC / LTC
  • Maximum volume: 17 m QRX
  • Bonus policy for public pre-sale:

For contributions from 15 to 30 ETH, we will credit 5% additional tokens;
For contributions from 30 to 150 ETH, we will credit 15% additional tokens;
For contributions from 150 to 750 ETH, we will credit 25% additional tokens;
For contributions from 750 and over ETH, we will credit 40% additional tokens.
For each interval, the upper limit is not included.

Token Sale

  • Token Symbol : QRX
  • Standard token : ERC20
  • Token type : Utilities
  • Total token supply : 70m
  • Total tokens on sale : 55m
  • Total token for pre-sale : 17m
  • Public pre-sale period : 27 February – 27 March
  • Sales period : April 02 – April 16th
  • State joined – Cayman Islands

Token Sales Structure



  • 2001 – 2014: Legacy Products
  • November 2017: Prototype Qurrex
  • February – April 2018: Sales Token
  • June 2019: The functional Qurrex trade
  • September 2019: Social trading services
  • December 2019: Hybrid platform


Sources of information needed on this project :

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My profile : Dico88

PARKGENE as the latest Blockchain-based innovation for everyone

Maret 19, 2018

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PARKGENE PTE Ltd is incorporated in Singapore and is wholly subsidiary of PARKGURU LTD (UK), a company that owns and operates an advanced omnichannel parking booking service ( Today, PARKGURU’s applications provide booking services and detailed information on millions of parking spaces located in Europe and North America.

The introduction of PARKGENE will create an operational fork. PARKGURU will remain focused on providing on-street and off-street parking, sourced by municipalities and professional parking operators (garages), while PARKGENE will be a new product focused on efficient decentralized peer-to-peer parking for individually owned driveways and home garages.

parkguru for parkgene

The success of PARKGURU has provided proof of concept for PARKGENE. What has already been developed will serve as a minimum viable product for PARKGENE to begin operations. The contribution of PARKGURU to PARKGENE will not only be IT and infrastructure, but also an introduction of PARKGENE services to more than 50,000 existing clients of PARKGURU and share of a PARKGURU’s talent pool of more than thirty engineers, developers, support, sales and finance teams.

WHAT IS Parkgene ?

PARKGENE is similar to the “Airbnb for parking”. We will connect people that own parking spaces with drivers who want to park, provide additional parking spaces to the market, and undercut the cost of high parking fees, while providing an income source to all parking spot owners who rent out their driveways and garages.

PARKGENE, built on the Ethereum blockchain, will be the first system which allows drivers and owners of parking spaces to transact with each other directly.


To disrupt the traditional parking industry, especially offline, sized $ 100 Billion per year, and to provide drivers with a better parking experience, while helping the city become more intelligent and environmentally friendly.


To create a more transparent and liquid way to park. PARKGENE addresses both the short and long-term parking rental markets by lowering fees, using decentralized conflict resolutions and making this market truly P2P, eliminating various middlemen, and ensuring that reviews and listings are honest, as they are stored on an immutable blockchain.

How does PARKGENE work ?

Drivers looking for a parking spot meet virtually with parking owners through the PARKGENE app. The following diagram shows the different stages of a parking session completed on the PARKGENE platform and over the Ethereum Blockchain with smart contracts.

Once a driver reserves a parking spot, the reservation triggers the PARKGENE smart contract on the Ethereum Public Blockchain.

The PARKGENE App transfers the full parking fee amount in GENEs from the driver wallet, to a depository (a temporary wallet). Should there not be enough GENEs balance in the driver’s wallet, the driver can use his credit card or other means of payment (Bitcoins, Ethers) to buy GENEs real-time and pay for the transaction.

The successful reservation and payment provide additional App functionality to
drivers and parking owners which is needed for the completion of the actual parking session. For example, the driver will have the ability to open the garage door from his mobile phone, while the parking owner is notified and monitors in live video the entrance and exit of the vehicle. This functionality is optional although very helpful and is achieved through integration of PARKGENE platform with existing remote access tools that are available in the market, or a specific device that PARKGENE will offer to the Parking Space owners at very low cost.

Security Measures

PARKGENE values the security of both the parking space owners (who provide access to their premises) as well as the drivers who park their cars. There are several measures we have put in place to manage all these security issues.

There are different stages where security measures are applied :

  • Account ownership and access

The most common security breach is when a scammer or other bad actor takes control of someone’s account by obtaining the password. Normally, this would mean access to someone’s email or the ability to make purchases on their behalf. But in the case of PARKGENE, it could mean giving a stranger access to private details about your home parking space and the ability to rent it out to others.

Multi-Factor Authentication is implemented to prevent account takeovers. PARKGENE will require both hosts and guests when logging in from new devices to verify their identity with a second account, either via SMS or email. This policy is common among a clear majority of other social and communication apps that use multi-factor authentication, including Facebook, Google, etc.

Predictive models, trained using machine learning techniques, look for uncharacteristic behavior to flag for instance, if the account is seeing an abnormal number of login attempts or a login from a foreign country, PARKGENE system will ask for an additional confirmation that the person logged in is truly in good faith.

In addition to multi-factor authentication, PARKGENE is also adding SMS alerts, Push Notifications and Email alerts to let people stay up to date about changes made to their account in the event a stranger has gained access and starts tinkering with settings.

  • Physical Access to the Parking Spot

Check-In Process. To provide additional security and increase the level of loyalty and trust between the driver and the parking owner. When the driver checks in, the parking owner (or the PARKGENE Service) gives the driver the “digital keys” (or the remote control) and uses the mobile application to either scan the QR code or even press the “Open Garage Door” button from the driver’s phone screen. This feature is optionally implemented with PARKGENE Internet Door Opener (PIDO) or any other world class garage door opener manufacturers such as Chamberlain, Nortec and others.

Check Out Process. When the driver departs from the parking space, the digital keys are deactivated, and the check-out is confirmed to the system. Monitoring and Auditing of Parking Session. Depending on the situation, the Parking Owner and the Driver may have access to video recording of the Parking session, which is securely stored for 1 year on PARKGENE’s platform and available to anyone who has the link and the authority to view it. This feature is implemented with the use of any Video Camera connected with the parking space account and it is extremely helpful to both users to resolve any issue that may arise.

  • Financial transactions

Financial transactions conducted over the PARKGENE platform are secured in multiple ways. PARKGENE offers high level of Wallet Security to both drivers and Parking Owners who transact with each other. All GENE Tokens including additional cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ether, etc.) stored in wallets are pooled and securely stored in different wallet layers such as Hot and Cold Storage Multi Sig Wallets so the risk of hacking is minimized.

PARKGENE parking session fees are managed by the PARKGENE parking smart contract deployed on the Ethereum blockchain and the funds are distributed to the stakeholders automatically after the end of each parking session. All funds distribution is traceable through Etherscan.

ICO Offering Terms

ketentuan ICO parkgene

Token Sale

During the Token Sale, PARKGENE PTE Ltd will issue a crypto token called GENE Token (GENE) on the Ethereum blockchain, operated by a smart contract which will be made available to buyers globally, excluding Restricted Persons.

  • GENE (GENE) – ERC20 token with a limited release
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • GENE (Token Sale Base Price) = $0.10
  • Total GENE: 1,000,000,000
  • Token Sale Hard Cap 350,000,000 GENE
  • Accepted forms of payment: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DASH and USD

How I can see my GENE tokens ?

You can check you GENE tokens balance inside the token sale platform at The tokens will be distributed to the participants wallets (ERC20 compatible) after the ICO ends.

When we announce that the GENE Tokens are distributed to the participants, if you don’t see your token balance in your ERC20 wallet, you should add a custom token. In the address field insert 0x6dd4e4aad29a40edd6a409b9c1625186c9855b4d, enter the token symbol (GENE) and decimals (8). After that you should be able to see your balance.

How can I buy Gene Tokens ?

  1. Create an account at the token sale area on the official website
  2. You can pay with ETHEREUM, BITCOIN, BITCOIN CASH, LITECOIN, DASH and USD through wire transfer
  3. Get your ETHEREUM, BITCOIN, BITCOIN CASH, LITECOIN, DASH adresses (they are used only for you) in which you will deposit your payments
  4. If you chose to pay with a wire transfer an invoice with all the details will be generated for you to complete the payment
  5. After submiting your payment, the token sale platform, will show you the address balance. You can buy the GENE tokens by pressing the “BUY” button.
  6. Before you complete your buy, you will be prompted to enter the receiveing ERC20 ETHEREUM Wallet where we will send you the GENE Tokens instantly when you complete your buy transaction.

The PARKGENE Charity Funds

PARKGENE Charity Fund will initially receive any unallocated GENE Tokens from the Bounty Program after the Token Sale completes. Additionally it will receive remaining award tokens from parking smart contracts which have not been fully utilized after 1 month from their completion (functionality of the PARKGENE Smart Contract). The Charity Fund may also receive donations from 3rd Parties, including any donations available from the PARKGENE Development Fund.

PARKGENE Charity Fund will donate up to 5% of its assets on a yearly basis to charitable purposes related to the Parking and Automotive industry. These purpose could include

  • Academic Research and Development
  • Scholarships
  • Donations to institutions / organizations who have an involvement with the Parking
  • Automotive Industry
  • Sponsorships and awards in events related to the Parking / Automotive Industry

PARKGENE Charity Fund will make official announcements on when and where GENE Tokens have been used. The announcements will be made at the PARKGENE’s Web Site at

Token allocation

The tokens will be allocated among participants of the Token Sale as well as Team, Advisors, Founders and Bounty users as follows :

  • Early Bird & Regular Sale participants will be allocated 35% of all tokens issued.
  • Team & Advisors will be allocated 10% of the tokens issued.
  • Purchasers on private sale will be allocated 10% of the tokens issued.
  • Bounty Program will be allocated 5% of the tokens issued.
  • PARKGENE will reserve 40% of the tokens issued for the PARKGENE Future Fund

alokasi dana parkgene 1


Token Distribution

  • Product development is budgeted to use 20% of the funds.
  • Continuous R&D is budgeted to use 15% of the funds.
  • Business development and global offices is budgeted to use 20% of the funds.
  • Legal and Administrative expenses are budgeted to use 5% of the funds.
  • Marketing is budgeted to use 40% of the funds. This budget will go towards the creation of marketing campaigns to attract new customers which will increase the transaction volume and token circulation, while building the P2P Parking community we envisage.




Core Team

louis Hatzis CEO parkgene

Louis Hatzis
Chief Executive Officer

Internet entrepreneur envolved in a series of succesful Consumer Internet and AdTech startups. He has also worked for Google and JWT.
Passionate about cryptocurrencies, he is working with blockchain startups to advance the use of the technology and writes weekly in about Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto.


yannis ramfos COO parkgene

Yannis Ramfos
Chief Operating Officer

An accomplished, results-driven Executive Director with over 20 years of demonstrated success directing business and technology operations towards profitability and productivity.

john zarifis CTO parkgene

John Zarifis
Chief Technolgy Officer
Blockchain Expert

15 years experience as senior software engineer, software architect, team supervisor.
3+ years experience as Software Research and Development Director in multinational software companies.

nikolas skarlatos CFO parkgene

Nikolas Skarlatos
Chief Financial Officer

Experienced market participant with a demonstrated history of working in the investment management industry with a proven track record. Extensive skill set includes multi asset portfolio management, fund selection, equity valuation, as well as derivative pricing and market making.

tasos flambouras cdm parkgene

Tasos Flambouras
Chief of Digital Marketing

Tasos has over 20 years of digital strategy and interactive entertainment experience with a career spanning commercial, production, operations, and product senior management roles. He’s an entrepreneur and a gaming industry pioneer in Greece having shipped many successful products to the global market.


Advisors Team

george giaglis advisor parkgene 1

George Giaglis
Professor at AUEB
Blockchain/Fintech Research

Involved with Bitcoin and blockchains since 2012. Founder of the world’s first academic degree on blockchains (MSc in Digital Currency, University of Nicosia). Has also set up AUEB’s Fintech Lab and is regularly involved in advising roles regarding blockchain strategy design and implementation.

gal ron advisor parkgene

Gal Ron
Blockchain, Fintech PR, Marketing Expert

Over 30 years of experience in growing companies worldwide spanning from financial markets to virtual reality. CEO of ConversionPros, and founder of TokenTarget. Passionate about blockchain based projects, with special interest in ICO and Post-ICO marketing.

shahid tanvir advisor parkgene

Shahid Tanvir
Chief Specialist (Advisor to CEO – Smart City, ICT)
Road and Transport Authority of Dubai

A seasoned professional in the IT and Transportation industry. He has worked on numerous smartcity, IOT projects. Lately he organized the Blockchain Innovation Lab for the RTA of Dubai while also researching IOT, Autonomous Vehicles, Smart Parking, etc.

athanasios kalekos advisor parkgene

Athanasios Kalekos
Managing Partner Odyssey Venture Partners

“A.K.,” as he is known in the Valley, has 30 years of executive management and venture capital experience. He is currently Managing Partner in Odyssey Venture Partners, Athens, Greece & Palo Alto, CA, USA a Venture capital firm investing in the Information and Communication Technology sector.

manos chatzopoulos advisor parkgene

Manos Chatzopoulos
CEO Parkzen LLC
Astrophysicist Professor at LSU

Co-founder and CEO of ParkZen LLC (, a smartphone app service that utilizes data analysis algorithms to locate faster free curbside parking. Assistant Professor at Louisiana State University working on a variety of research projects in collaboration with local and external scientists.

brian subirana advisor parkgene

Brian Subirana
Director in MIT Auto-ID Laboratory
Cryptocurrencies/ blockchain researcher

Director in MIT Auto-ID Laboratory. He has also worked for Harvard, Stanford, IESE, INSEAD and earlier for the Boston Consulting Group. Researches disruptive IoT/AI in digital learning, electric vehicles, retail supply chain, and cryptocurrencies/ blockchain.

liz davison advisor parkgene

Liz Davison
Parking Consultant
Complete Parking Management Consultancy Ltd

Professional with 20 years’ experience in the parking industry with in-depth knowledge and experience, specialising in parking management/policy, contract management/procurement, service reviews as well as parking design and Civil Enforcement, within both Local Authority and the private sector.

mixalis marinos advisor parkgene

Mixalis Marinos
Actor / Economist / Technology Enthusiast

Mixalis is a well known actor in Greece and Cyprus. He has studied Economics at the Athens University of Business and Acting at Athens Drama School. He has participated in numerous films, TV Serials and Theater plays. He is involved in technology and follows all new developments including blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

vangelis pastas advisor parkgene

Vangelis Pastas
Quantitative Researcher at Jump Trading LLC

He started his career as a quantitative researcher at Morgan Stanley, where he was developing trading algorithms to facilitate client execution, responsible for more than 10% of the daily volume in the equity markets globally. Passionate about the latest developments in mathematics, blockchain and crypto-currency.

russ meneve advisor parkgene

Russ Meneve
Stand Up Comedian / Technology Enthusiast

An American stand-up comedian from Hawthorne, New Jersey. He has appeared on multiple shows on NBC and Comedy Central. He was awarded “The Impact Player of 2005” and was in “The Ten Funniest New Yorkers You’ve Never Heard Of” list published by New York magazine.

krishna karthik advisor parkgene

Krishna Karthik
CEO – Day1 Technologies

Co-founder of Day1 Technologies, an artificial intelligence based mobility solutions company dealing in apps powered by cryptocurrencies like ethereum and bitcoin. With 13 years of experience, Kim is a serial entrepreneur who has built several multi-million dollar enterprises in the technology space.


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Author by Dico88

ETH address : 0xBdc50Fc5e4d30887DFa1F0B495aAf4011a6Eb1a2

SocialMedia.Market is Monetize your influence desralized Influencer Advertising Marketplace

Maret 16, 2018

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What is SocialMedia.Market ?

SocialMedia.Market is the first decentralized marketplace connecting social media bloggers and advertisers. A solution to the major influencer marketing problems, it creates new opportunities for content monetization, community engagement and audience exposure. The new ecosystem, driven by blockchain technology and social media token, will simplify marketing interaction between business and influencers.

What is Influencer Marketing ?

With digital and social media gaining popularity, new engagement strategies have also been developed to help increase brand advocacy such as Influencer Marketing. Influencer Marketing, defined, is “a form of marketing in which focus is placed on influential people rather than the target market as a whole”. An influential person/influencer (or blogger, celebrity, opinion leader) can be described as someone that has the power to motivate followers in the industry where their buying decisions are concerned.

The use of social media marketing has exploded over the last few years. Well-known brands and smaller businesses truly realized the potential reach and engagement opportunity provided by social media channels. Analysing the following statistics: consumer purchase decision, rise of digital advertising and social media, increase in the use of ad-blockers, etc., it becomes obvious that today’s influencers are some of the most valuable and viable media channels available. Business can drive a more optimized, omni-channel marketing plan by utilising Influencer Marketing, and will be more likely to reach their target audience and deliver a larger ROI.

Influencer Marketing Challenges (Problem Definition)

Despite the quick growth and development of this market, several unresolved problems persist :

  1. Fraud : Lack of ownership validation, non-compliance with agreements, fake audience engagement and followers amount.
  2. Uncertain Pricing : Many intermediaries and risks make pricing in the market chaotic and often inadequate, while not providing any guarantees of efficiency.
  3. Payment Complexity : to maintain campaigns both advertisers and influencers need to operate multiple payment methods to simplify transactions and optimize costs.
  4. Low Accessibility : A high threshold for small and medium-sized business entry, associated with risks (high unpredictable costs)
  5. Difficult to Maintain Relationships : Lack of standards, average age of influencers and only direct online communication makes communications difficult to maintain for all parties.
  6. Time Consuming and Limited Campaign Diversity : As demonstrated, the process of managing Influencer Marketing programs is time consuming when handled in-house, making it a complex task to work with a large network of Influencers. Yet, Influencers with a smaller quantity of subscribers show higher engagement rates than top influencers.
  7. Complexity in selection of Influencers and ROI Analysis : In a survey conducted by Tomoson1, more than half of the participants reported better quality leads as a result of Influencer Marketing. Therefore, the selection of relevant bloggers is one of the most difficult tasks for marketing managers.


Blockchain technology will simplify integration, reduce fraud and costs for all market participants. It will create a safe and transparent, competitive marketplace that will open opportunities for thousands of influencers and brands all over the globe, increase target audience outreach and engage consumers in the most relevant and efficient ways. An open, agile platform will create a new generation of advertising, accessible to millions of new, up-and-coming influencers, startups and small businesses.

SocialMedia.Market’s objective is to establish a healthy ecosystem, where :

  • influencers can easily access sponsorship for creating high-quality content,
  • agencies get access to a constant stream of influencers and can concentrate their effort on testing new strategies and strengthening their expertise,
  • advertisers get access to more relevant and efficient ways to engage consumers,
  • consumers, ultimately, gain access to the high-quality content they desire,
  • all token holders, participate in platform development and gaining access to exclusive features and services for using and owning Social Media Token

Ecosystem Participants

SocialMedia.Market ecosystem will involve the following participants:

  • SocialMedia.Market Platform including services and products related to it
  • Advertisers (brands, businesses, agencies)
  • Influencers (or bloggers, opinion leaders)
  • Agents
  • Token Holders (can be either of participants or community members)

SocialMedia.Market participants interaction :

SocialMedia.Market PlatformRM

SocialMedia.Market platform is a decentralized ecosystem that allows advertisers to discover, create, perform and analyze advertising campaigns with social media influencers. Likewise it allows influencers to join advertisers campaigns to monetize their channels and create more engaging content.


SocialMedia.Market main features and Benefits

SocialMedia.Market will provide the following features to all platform users:

  1. Secure Transactions
    Delays or non-payments are problems typically associated with an Influencer’s platform. The advertisers and influencers have very little control over payments. In many cases, after project submission, the advertiser doesn’t receive the high quality. content agreed upon from an influencer or the influencer does not get paid. Our Ethereum based platform uses an escrow payment system which holds the contract fees until the set obligations are met. On project completion, the funds are released, securing the interests of both parties involved.
  2. Fair Decentralised Dispute Solution System
    Content created by Influencers is mostly perceived subjectively. This may cause disputes and dissatisfaction of parties with achieved results. For the most part, modern platforms do not solve such disputes between parties. Moreover, platforms with such mechanics typically charge an additional fee for arbitration and often favor the paying side. Our service has several preventive measures that will allow parties to resolve disputes on their own in most cases, as well as an arbitration system that will resolve disputes between participants with the help of independent platform experts.

  3. Ownership Validation
    One of the major problems contributing to most of the unforeseen costs is fraud, when a fraudster impersonates an Influencer by hacking into his accounts. These situations harm both parties, Advertiser and Influencer. SocialMedia.Market applies special procedures providing a transparent and reliable marketplace. Influencers are verified and authorized to ensure they are really who they claim to be. Additionally, two factor authentication ensures protection and account ownership within the platform.

  4. Easy Communication and Interactions
    Engagement and arrangement is one of the most time-consuming tasks for both the Brand and the Influencer. At SocialMedia.Market we pay great attention to making collaboration more simple and effective. With our powerful CRM-system, in-platform chat app, Smart Contract templates, chat tips, instant notifications and mobile app, organizing contacts, messages, communicating and staying up-to-date will be convenient.

  5. Simple Management
    A step-by-step procedure of setting up the ad campaign with a smart-contract will simplify all the stages of cooperation.

  6. High Quality user experience
    With the trend of using mobile devices to solve everyday tasks, we understand that our platform should be convenient and compatible with all kinds of devices. Therefore, we use progressive technologies to make SocialMedia.Market cross platform. Brands and Influencers will be able to utilise IOS and Android applications conveniently, staying in touch anytime, anywhere.

  7. Additional Ways to be Remunerated
    Using our Dispute Solution system platform members will be rewarded with SMTs for their active personal engagement in dispute arbitrations. This will be available only for users who hold a certain number of tokens in their accounts.

How it works ?

SocialMedia.Market will create a global marketplace for Advertisers and Influencers among every major social network, providing convenient and transparent tools for the interaction of any party involved. For maintaining commercial relationships between participants, SocialMedia.Market will use Blockchain technology to simplify integration, reduce fraud and costs for all market participants. 

how it works

Fresh publications about SocialMedia.Market is an international project which unites brands and bloggers all over the globe. We are proud that our idea has found a response in different parts of the world and SocialMedia.Market is discussed in many languages and on lots of resources.

Today we’ve prepared the recent publications about SocialMedia.Market in different languages :

  • “Блокчейн на службе у блогеров: рынок готовит новый формат сотрудничества” (Russian);
  • Bitcoinist “Blockchain at the service of bloggers: market readies a new format for bloggers and advertisers to cooperate” (English);
  • С “SocialMedia.Market ICO’su Sürüyor” (Turkish)
  • С “Blockchain dla blogerów: Market przygotowuje nowy plan współpracy blogeró” (Polish)
  • А “Blockchain pro blogery: Trh je připraven na nový formát spolupracujících blogerů a inzerentů” (Czech)
  • “Influencer Marketing Grows Up and Goes Global” (English)
  • А “منصة “SocialMedia.Market” تستخدم تقنية البلوكشين لتقريب المعلنين والمؤثرين” (Arab)

How to create your influence on Instagram ?

Without a doubt, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. Here, it is all about showing of a lifestyle and taking quality photos to make product and service look attractive. However, it is only one part of how you can use Instagram to achieve successful business growth. So the question is how to accumulate audience on Instagram and how can you find the right one? Let’s look at some of the best strategies that exist.

create your influence instagram

First of all, find your niche. This is the first of all the rules in any kind of creative industry. You’ve simply got just got to know what sort of content you want to create. Find what your niche is on Instagram. Pick up that topic and find the potential audience for it. You won’t become an Instagram influencer if you don’t know who you want to influence in the first place and how. Secondly, fill your Instagram with the best possible content. This should be obvious that it also must be authentic. Post amazing photos and videos that people will double-tap on and share. Use of Instagram’s editor and filters to the fullest. People tend to enjoy great photography so take advantage of that. Besides, you should regularly create new posts. High-quality photographs and a good, well-known but old account are not enough to stay influential for long. Your Instagram account requires daily attention and has to be updated regularly so you influence could surely increase. Brands that post regularly tend to have more thriving accounts on Instagram. It is important to update Instagram consistently to let your followers know that you are worth their attention. Use hashtags to help people who are interested in your topic find you. Hashtags are like keywords that guide people to your Instagram page. You don’t need to use a lot of them  just use words that you think are the most likely to attract other people.

Other than that, integration of social media with your existing marketing campaign is crucial too. If we are talking of Instagram, bring in visitors from your other channels. By the time you created Instagram, you might have had a website or other social media accounts. This way you will be able to grow your Instagram account. Actually, it works the other way too! If your Instagram is popular, you will easily send people to other social media. This brings up another point: ask people to follow you. If you are already an influencer, the easiest way is to ask your audience to check out your Instagram at the end of your video or blog post. Also, socialize. Instagram is still a social media platform and another communication tool. Use it to like and comment on photos of other users and some of them will most likely check out your page to see what it is about and if they want to come back there again.

And finally, one the most efficient ways to get big on Instagram is to collaborate with other influencers and promote one another. In other words, it is called Instagram marketing. If it is done well and naturally fits your content, it will give you exposure to another vast audience that the other influencer has grown. Even a simple repost is a powerful tool for building a followers database and increasing the reach of information about your brand.

Frequent mistakes young youtubers make

As of 2018, YouTube is undeniably the most popular content platform in the world. More and more content creators seek fame and recognition of their talents there. Due to this, the YouTube scene has become a lot more competitive in the recent years. We will share with you 5 YouTube mistakes to avoid when starting a new channel.

frequent mistakes new youtubers

Not having a channel banner. When people go onto your channel, first thing they should see is the banner on top. A channel banner is something like a basic introduction to your channel. Here, you should portray what it is that your channel is about. This is the first milestone when people will decide if they want to watch your videos and keep coming back for more content. You should also present a key value proposition, arguing that your content is worth spending time on.

Not having a strategy of your content development. You might think you know what people want to see, then you make a video and put it up there. Unfortunately, that is not how YouTube works. You have to conduct research to understand what people are actually responding to. All YouTube success stories have got content and marketing strategies at their core. SO, before even starting a YouTube channel, ask yourself these questions: What do I want to be on YouTube? What can my content idea achieve? Who will be my audience?

Ignoring the description box. YouTube works pretty much like Google, since YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world. Since search algorithms are focused on text-based content, the description box is a perfect opportunity to increase your channel’s search ranking results. The best way to use it is to include useful details about your video with keywords related to your core content.

Purchasing low quality views. There is a number of view providers on the Internet that offer cheap viewer quantities. This can look like an attractive option but low-quality views are only good-looking numbers that don’t offer marketing benefits in the long term. All you should do is to find a view provider with a good reputation and whose views can help you appear as high as possible in search results.

Picking up every sponsorship opportunity. Sponsorships are one of the most convenient ways to generate profit on YouTube. It is quite easier to advertise through content creators  owing to high level of trust they can persuade their viewers to buy something easier. However, excessive use of video time for advertisement purposes will eventually turn your viewership against you. Working with brands whose products are the most relevant to your content is the right way to go.

Giving up too early. As mentioned before, YouTube is highly competitive. This can be discouraging for some of the newcomers and they quit without realising their full potential. To be frank, there is no such thing as overnight success, at least on YouTube. On the other hand, you should understand that even the most popular YouTubers started off the same way as any newcomer does. Their first videos had less than 100 views and they had just a few subscribers.

Social Media Token

SocialMedia.Market’s platform will create a global marketplace for Advertisers and Influencer Marketing publishers among every major social network, providing convenient and transparent tools for interaction of any party involved. For maintaining commercial relationships between participants, SocialMedia.Market will collect a service fee from every executed contract. The amount of the fee may differ depending on the type of contract and complexity of interaction between parties, but will not exceed 10% of the contract value. The obtained service fee, reduced by operational costs and decentralized Dispute Solution rewards, forms the platform’s net profit.

All operations within the SocialMedia.Market ecosystem are executed with its effective cryptocurrency token Social Media Token (SMT), which ensures high standards of services and prevents any unauthorized human intervention in the processes within the system. The Social Media Token will create a self-driven economy, based on constant cooperation between influencers, advertisers, marketing agencies and agents. The token will be valuable for platform users, not only by transactional means within the platform’s services, but also supported with exclusive features for token holders.

A user can utilize the following methods to operate the tokens:

  1. An integrated wallet on the platform’s account;
  2. Import their Ethereum wallet containing SMT tokens with private key;
  3. Link an ERC20-compatible MetaMask wallet to the account.

Token holders will also have exclusive access to premium platform services. Holding a certain amount of tokens on their accounts will grant them access to deep analytical data, exclusive insights to audience outreach of bloggers they are willing to cooperate with, special advertising formats, content development tools for bloggers, channel audience growth strategies and campaigns, exclusive advertising contracts with well-known brands and marketing consultations.

Token Functionality

SocialMedia.Market’s core functionality will be maintained by a utility token – Social Media Token (SMT). Every platform activity will require SMTs to ensure transactions, campaign or contract creation and data validity.

struktur social media token

Concept of Building an application

  • Micro service architecture, relevant technologies according to specific needs, use of contemporary frameworks and patterns only
  • Secure transactions with the help of blockchain and Smart contracts
  • Service dockerizing, unique isolated environment for each service, reliable identical environment for each version of the product
  • Orchestration of containers (kubernetes), seamless and separate service deployment
  • Two-protocol communication between services – TCP/HTTP, isolated data transferring inside overlay net, JWT authorization between services during communication
  • Application is deployed in the Cloud, automatic scaling of resources depending on the load, DDoS attack protection
  • Application development using Agile (Scrum) methodology, Continuous integration, Continuous Deployment, code writing standards, multilayer testing of releases (including bug testing) during the development, distribution and deployment of services.

Revenue Forecast

Based on a pessimistic growth of influencer marketing market and average cost of campaigns launched with Influencers, we can make a rough estimation of a financial forecast. Average cost of campaigns will rise with more bloggers and agencies join the platform.

Pessimistic Growth

pressimistic growth

Forecast of a breakdown of funds raised by years in case of reaching hard cap during the main token sale.

Expenses Breakdown, USD

expenses breakdown usd

Cost allocation scenarios depending on the amount of funds raised during token sale :

Cost Allocation Scenarios, USD

cost allocation scenarios usd


Use of Funds

The funds raised through the token sale campaign will be allocated for all SocialMedia.Market platform features available for all ecosystem participants, as well as strong marketing support for fast growth in the number of the platform users, and simplification of the process of getting used to the new tools for advertisers and bloggers.


Token Distribution

Social Media Tokens (SMTs) will be issued as ERC20 compatible tokens. Based on total amount of tokens, 15% more tokens will be issued for platform core functionality and team (6 month of vesting period), and 5% for partners and advisors. This will form the total amount of SMTs ever issued.

Token Sale : Phase#1

Public sale of Token Sale: Phase #1 was held 7-21 of December 2017. 7.553.358.45 SMTs were sold during the Phase. Soft Cap successfully reached.

  • Pre-Sale Dates : 20 November – 7 December 2017 12:00 GMT (1:00 pm CET)
  • Start Date : 7 December 2017 12:00 GMT (1:00 pm CET)
  • End Date : 21 December 2017 12:00 GMT (1:00 pm CET)
  • Soft Cap : Reached during Token Sale: Phase #1
  • Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 3.000 SMTs
  • Minimum contribution amount : 0,01 ETH / 30 SMTs
  • Maximum contribution amount : unlimited
  • Contribution methods : ETH, BTC
  • Bonuses : Pre-Sale: 30%, Public sale: 10%

Token Sale : Phase#2

  • Start Date : 9 February 2018 12:00 PM GMT (1:00 pm CET)
  • End Date : 16 March 2018 12:00 PM GMT (1:00 pm CET)
  • Pre-Sale : 2-9 February 2018 12:00 PM GMT (1:00 pm CET)
  • Token exchange rate : 1 ETH = 2500 SMTs
  • Minimum contribution amount : 0,1 ETH / 250 SMTs
  • Maximum contribution amount : 300 ETH
  • Contribution methods : ETH, BTC, LTC, XRP, BCH, DASH, DOGE, ETC, NEO, XMR, ZEC
  • Bonuses : Pre-Sale : 20% (min. contribution 25 ETH), Public Sale : Days 1-5: 15%, Days 6-20: 10%, Days 21-35: 5%. Referral Program Bonus : Give 3%, Get 5%


Roadmap SocialMedia.Market

SocialMedia. Street marketing maps focus on technology development, operating infrastructure, new partnerships, and marketing initiatives.

roadmap 3


Media Partners

media partners


More detailed information :

Website | Whitepaper | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Telegram | ANN Thread


Author by Dico88